
Category: Fatherhood

Book reviews

Dad: Untold stories of fatherhood, love, mental health and masculinity

Dad: Untold stories of fatherhood, love, mental health and masculinity is a book that has arrived with a lot of fanfare. So what is this book and what’s all the excitement about? It’s a compilation of stories from dads with a variety of backgrounds and each man has a very different story to tell, showing

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Simon Kettlewell author of Eternity leave
Family Life & parenting

Q&A with Simon Kettlewell, author of Eternity Leave

Simon Kettlewell is a man who pulled-off a rare feat: He persuaded a publisher to print a book about fatherhood. Okay, that’s slightly dismissive. Many a publisher has printed books for dads but more often than not, they only deal with the early years and they’re always non-fiction. Simon’s book, called Eternity Leave, is mould

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Lockdown Fathers and Time with Dad: Learning From the Pandemic

Lockdown Fathers & Time with Dad: Learning from the pandemic What can we learn from pandemic? What positives can we take away from it? I’ll tell you: According to new research from the fatherhood Institute, dads what increased opportunities to work flexibly and from home. The research shows men have learned from the experiences of

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Book reviews

Single Dad by photographer Harry Borden

Something is going on in the publishing world. There’s been a sudden slew of books focused on fatherhood. Author Simon Kettlewell created something of a storm with Eternity Leave, his novel about stay at home dad life and the Music, Football Fatherhood crew will shortly publish its opus, simply titled Dad (that said, the MFF

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Book reviews

Eternity Leave: A Mould-breaking piece of dad fiction

I was a bit nervous about reading Eternity Leave. It’s a work of fiction based on the experiences of stay-at-home-dad and author Simon Kettlewell, a man who has spent 19 years as the main carer for his four children. When portrayed in any media, fathers are often distant, bumbling, incompetent fools. Was Kettlewell going to

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