
Tag: carers

Equal Lives, Business in the Community, Santander, work life balance, balancing work and family life, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blog uk, school run dad, carers, caring responsibilities, uk dad blogger

Equal Lives: Men, women, caring responsibilities and the workplace

Trying to balance caring responsibilities with employment is never easy. Going back several years, I had a part time job that I left when my eldest daughter started school. I tried to make it work for several months but my stress levels became worryingly high, despite my employer being very understanding.

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online safety, online secutiry, keeping children safe online, #WhoIsSam, NCA, NPCC, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blog uk, school run dad, stay at home dad
Family Life & parenting

#WhoIsSam Online safety and streaming media

Christmas is just days away and no doubt many children will receive tablets, mobile phones, computers and other devices that provide internet access. The challenge for us mums and dads is keeping our children safe while they use the Internet. A new campaign, timed to coincide with gift-giving season, highlights the uncomfortable truth that many

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