
Tag: family

extending the school day

Extending the school day is a bad idea

Watch out school children and watch out mums and dads. It seems almost inevitable the school day is going to be lengthened as part of the post COVID-19, Education Recovery Plan. How long the school day will be extended by remains to be seen, but one option is to have a school day that runs

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National Numeracy Day
Family Life & parenting

National Numeracy Day: My story with numbers

Over the past year, many mums and dads have been heavily involved with their children’s schoolwork, overseeing their remote work because of the pandemic. I suspect many parents got a bit of a wake-up call when their kids asked for help with their maths! As it’s National Numeracy Day, I thought I’d say a bit

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Simon Kettlewell author of Eternity leave
Family Life & parenting

Q&A with Simon Kettlewell, author of Eternity Leave

Simon Kettlewell is a man who pulled-off a rare feat: He persuaded a publisher to print a book about fatherhood. Okay, that’s slightly dismissive. Many a publisher has printed books for dads but more often than not, they only deal with the early years and they’re always non-fiction. Simon’s book, called Eternity Leave, is mould

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Dadbloguk Q&A

Why it’s important to Let Toys be Toys

Something I never really noticed before becoming a parent was how heavily gendered toys can be. The impact of this on the way children play and develop is clear for all to see. Not too long after I became a dad and started blogging, I became aware of the Let Toys Be Toys campaign.

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Family technology

The new Clubhouse app: What parents need to know

Clubhouse is a relatively new social media app that is increasing in popularity. Unlike many other social media channels, Clubhouse is audio-only and is presently only available on iOS devices. As a new social media app, parents need to know about it. In the article below, Ghislaine Bombusa outlines what parents need to know about

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