
Day: May 19, 2018

Lego. LEGO fun, lego models, #mysundayphoto, Photalife, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blog uk, school run dad, photography, #srd
Family Life & parenting

Fun with LEGO models in unexpected places

I’ve dedicated a lot of time over the past year to improving my photography. Sometimes it’s a case of taking pictures of something interesting in unusual environments and so I’ve been experimenting and taking pictures of LEGO models in different settings.

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How to make life (a little bit) easier with a newborn

It is no secret that looking after a newborn baby is perhaps one of life’s most challenging experiences. First-time parents will see a variety of highs and lows as they traverse the difficult, but rewarding landscape of parenthood. Yet, while navigation of the world of parenting can be tough for some, there are ways to

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