I’ve dedicated a lot of time over the past year to improving my photography. Sometimes it’s a case of taking pictures of something interesting in unusual environments and so I’ve been experimenting and taking pictures of LEGO models in different settings.

This picture was taken on some Woodland Trust land. The idea had been to take the image with a very tight focus with beautiful woodland in the background. Unfortunately I had mistimed our visit and the sun was in the wrong position so it wouldn’t have worked.
Helen, my eldest daughter, was with me. As I was taking pictures, she was playing with some wild flowers and this inspired me to put a flower in the LEGO model’s hand. Voila, there’s my picture!
I once read some advice about composing a good photographic image if there was no obviously photogenic scene to hand. The suggestion was take an object and place it in a foreign environment.
That’s where I was going with the use of LEGO people, a trick I have seen on Instagram several times recently. In fact I took a flatlay-style image with another LEGO model and popped it on Instgram and you can see that picture here. It was simple, it was fun and I enjoyed this light-hearted photographic exercise.
I will be adding this picture to the #MySundayPhoto linky that’s hosted by the marvellous Photalife blog. It’s a great linky that showcases photography from some first rate bloggers so do pay it a visit if you can by clicking on the badge below.

24 thoughts on “Fun with LEGO models in unexpected places”
This photo makes a nice change and the flower is the perfect size for the Lego figure 🙂
Thanks Sarah, I like ot think this image is a bit different and not too serious.
I love taking photos of little figures, although Playmobil for me. This shot is fab! I’d have loved to have seen the woodland background one too. What a great idea. #MySundayPhoto
Yes, a shame the woodland background didn’t work out but c’est la vie. If I’f given this any more depth of field you’d have seen the car park in the background!
I was going to do a series once using Lego figures, I love the idea behind it.
Love the additional flower too
Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
I now want to see this series Darren! Go forth and produce it! Thanks for hosting #MySUndayphoto
Beautifully set up and a great angle.
I am glad you said that Fiona because I wasn’t sure of the angle. truth be told it was the best one for avoiding visual clutter in the background.
Hi John, such a simple, but creative idea. She does look grateful for the trip out too. Instagram is such a wonderful place for ideas. It makes me laugh to think of adults walking around with Lego figures in their pockets.
It is quite amusing isn’t it? then again, if it encourages us grown ups to get out the house and enjoy ourselves then bring on the LEGO models! That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
Ahhh love it! Always nice to take the figures out on a trip 😀 #MySundayPhoto
Yes indeed, they deserved a day out of the house.
The scale of the flower defintely makes the photo. Love the woodland background too. Great contrast.
Thanks Paul, it took a few attempts to get the flower in the correct position but it does kinda make the shot doesn’t it?
you have given me an idea for getting out my John Crane gran and granddad I still have from many years ago when they gave them to bloggers.
What a shame you went at the wrong time of day but that flower is a great prop. #MySundayPhoto
Delighted to have inspired you Elaine. I look forward to seeing your pics with your John Crane gran and granddad.
Love this idea and i think my Z would love this and it would focus his mind (and mine) a bit with taking photos!
Get Z invovled and take some pics! It certainly bought out my creative side.
I think you’ll find that that is not a viola but a speedwell ….. sorry. Love the picture and the idea of you with a pocketful of Lego figures for impromptu photo shoots
Not just LEGO but Duplo also. My daughter didn’t think Duplo was quite right for this photo shoot though so we didn’t use the models.
did you get many funny looks? #mysundayphoto
Oh yes, from a woman who was waiting in a car…..and was joined a little later by a man who I couldn’t help noticing she proceeded to kiss rather passionately.
Fun with photography #MySundayPhoto
Oh it certainly was. Maybe not technically superb, but a fun image.