Better Thinking; cherished memories as a father
I have many, many memories as a father. Just last night I was talking to my wife about our eldest daughter’s first day at school.
I have many, many memories as a father. Just last night I was talking to my wife about our eldest daughter’s first day at school.
I feel compelled to address an issue that affects us stay at home fathers; our perceived emasculation. It’s something I’m occasionally asked about and having read a dreadful comment elsewhere on the subject, I feel the time is right to respond. The comment was in this article on the Guardian website. It was written by
Well this is interesting. It seems this lil’ ol’ daddy blogger has made it on to the shortlists for the 2016 Brilliance in Blogging Awards!
Like many people, I don’t always find myself in agreement with the Trade Unions Congress, but yesterday it published a report into the earnings of working fathers. The report found that men with children out-earn child-free men by an average of 21%. By contrast, full-time working mums earn 15% less than men if they have
If I say Movember, what comes to mind? I’ll take a guess you probably think of men growing moustaches throughout the month of November. You may also think of testicular and prostate cancer, as much of Movember’s work goes into raising funds to highlight both these conditions and to support programmes researching treatments and cures. There