Yesterday afternoon I found Izzy playing at the dining room table. She’d set up this particular scene. Yes, that is Margaret Thatcher riding a unicorn.

I was in hysterics. I had to get a photo. I’m unsure what the best part of the picture is; Thatcher on the back of a unicorn or Izzy’s cheeky smile behind her.
I should explain the model of Thatcher is, in fact, a nutcracker. It was given to us a Christmas present by a close friend some years ago. The kids found it the other day and they’ve been using it as a toy ever since.
Needless to say Izzy has no idea who she is. To her it’s just a random woman. Helen, who is seven, kind-of gets that she was “boss of the Government” but we haven’t explained how controversial her time as leader was.
I have linked this image to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the marvelous Photalife blog. Do take a moment to click on the badge below and visit the linky. It showcases some marvelous photography.

24 thoughts on “Margaret Thatcher goes riding on a unicorn”
What a brilliant photo. The whole thing is priceless. Who would have thought Margaret Thatcher would ever ride a unicorn?
Camera never lies right?
You are correct Fiona, the camera NEVER lies.
I was going to ask why you have a Margaret Thatcher toy…do you collect all ex Prime Minster dolls?
Thank you for linking up
No, I don’t collect ex-Prime Minster dolls. It’s the unicorns I collect.
Hilarious. I sold one of those Maggie nutcrackers at a car boot last year, they are quite collectable, I got £15 for her.
Seriously? They’re worth that much? Better hold on to it for a few more years!
Ha ha ha great shot! Love it, but it begs the question where did the doll come from?
Haha that’s hilarious. It looks like it could fit right into an episode of Spitting image!
It does rather doesn’t it? I think the programme is being remade as well.
Thatcher on a unicorn love it hilarious Maisie is obsessed with unicorns great shot #mysundayphoto
Ah, but which Prime Minister would Massie put on a unicorn?
Absolutely amazing, what a fab capture x
Glad you like it. It was a moment I simply had to photograph.
haha love this. Such a unique photograph!
It is unique isn’t it? That’s why I had to take it.
How funny. No fan of Thatcher but Izzy’s smile is adorable 🙂 #MySundayPhoto
It is a most impressive smile isn’t it? I think she knew she’d done something very funny, even if she couldn’t quite figure out what.
hehehe! That made me chuckle….What a fun photo x
Indeed it is a fun photo isn’t it? I think the colours of the unicorns / ponies help.
hehehe What a Random But Brilliant Photograph.. Its Like Margaret Thatchers Pets. Great to show her this photograph in the future when she really know who she is. #MySundayPhoto
I hadn’t thought of them being Maggie’s pets but I see what you mean! Great logic.
Firstly, I love that you have a Margaret Thatcher nutcracker. There’s many a joke to be had in that sentence…!!
This is a brilliantly funny photo and just goes to show children don’t need expensive toys, just strange looking ones!
Oh that is a brilliant photo. Definitely not a sight I’d ever expect to see! So funny 🙂