
Tag: family


Education is a lifelong process

I recently found myself giving a presentation to a youth group. Knowing some of them had recently been through the 2021 GCSE assessment process, I told them not to worry if they didn’t get the grades they wanted. I told them that education is a lifelong process and that I had recently sat GCSE maths

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Kent countryside photographed during an INSET day

The INSET day that worked out well

The sunshine over the past couple of weeks has been very much needed. After those four dreary months in lockdown, it has been wonderful to at least have some limited freedoms to get outside and explore in good weather. On Monday, my youngest daughter had an INSET day so her school was closed. We took

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Parent Ping, dads chatting

Dads: Have your voice heard with Parent Ping #AD

According to Parent Ping, there are some interesting differences between mums and dads. Dads are generally more relaxed about behaviour but think youngsters’ behaviour was better when they themselves were kids. While there’s a general trend for all families to have enjoyed spending more time with each other during lockdown, this was most prominently reported

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