
Category: Fatherhood

The Laser Boutique, work life balance, working dad, working mum, working dads, working mums, working parents, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blog uk, school run dad, sahd
Family Life & parenting

Taking a gamble with The Laser Boutique

Imagine you have two children to support.  You have a secure job as a design and technology teacher but decide to jack it in and try your luck earning a living with your other half making personalised, laser-engraved gifts. This is the path that Phil Tarnawskyj took, along with his fiancee Abbey. It’s a journey

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shared parental leave, parental leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, pregnancy, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blog uk, school run dad, sahd
Family Life & parenting

Shared Parental Leave: How mum can benefit

Shared Parental leave (SPL) is a subject very close to my heart. I have written about it many a time and being a dad blogger, I have generally focused on the benefits to fathers of taking an extended period of leave from the workplace when a newborn child arrives on the scene. This only tells

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Family Life & parenting

Can a daddy blog support a family of five?

Over the the past couple of months I have been publishing interviews with fathers who have achieved better work / life balance by starting their own businesses. I purposefully decided not to feature individuals from the blogging world (a bit too close to home) but today I am breaking my own rule. I’m delighted to

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