If masculinity is in crisis, what needs to change?
If masculinity is in crisis, what needs to change; men or society? I am one of several speakers who will attempt to answer this daunting question in just six minutes at a book launch in September.
If masculinity is in crisis, what needs to change; men or society? I am one of several speakers who will attempt to answer this daunting question in just six minutes at a book launch in September.
Last week I published this blog post about ways you can tell I’m a stay at home dad (SAHD). While researching the piece (I use the term researching loosely), I discovered that Brad Pitt takes the reigns at home when Angelina Jolie is off filming and vice versa. My mind began to wonder; are there
I recently read this post on the Sunshine Dad blog about ways you could tell he was a stay at home dad (SAHD). Inspired by his list, I’ve had a go at writing one myself. Here are five ways you can tell I am a SAHD just like Brad Pitt*;
As a parent, I often find shopping with children to be quite a struggle. It can be harder for us dads because changing facilities and so on are often laid on for mums while those of us with XY chromosomes are forgotten about. This picture, however, proves that some retail outlets have the correct approach.
One of my absolute favourite bloggers is Tony Pitt, the man behind the LifeOfTont blog. Tony is a military man. I thought I’d ask Tony what impact it has on family life when you are deployed on active service for months at a time. Here’s the brilliant post Tony and his wife provided. I’m over the