
Category: Home Improvement

Painting sheep during the half term break

With our kitchen re-build continuing, I haven’t had time to get creative with my camera this week. Even so, I thought this image of Helen, our eldest daughter, was worth sharing. It’s a painting of a sheep that she’s created on a newly-plastered wall. As you can see from her face, she was very proud

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Our new kitchen; major progress after a week (plus a few problems)

Heavy building work has been underway in our kitchen for the past week. I’m pleased to say the new, open-plan space is taking shape. There has been real progress in creating our new, modern, family-friendly kitchen. This, despite a couple of significant problems along the way, although I’ll go into more detail about them in

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Our new, family-friendly kitchen; the builders move in

The preliminary work is done and we have crossed the point of no return; the kitchen has been removed from our family home. The builders have now moved it to take care of the heavy, technical work beyond my capabilities. My kids, wife and I are all very excited by this. We are all keen

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Our new kitchen; the work begins

Over the years I have revealed many things on this blog; emotions, experiences, good times and bad. Today, however, I am welcoming you into my family’s life like never before and exposing you to one of the least glorious aspects of it; our kitchen. When we bought our house six years ago, we decided the

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