To my amazement I’ve been shortlisted in the Commentary and Campaigns category of the BritMums-organised Brilliance in Blogging (BiB) Awards 2014. This came as a complete surprise, albeit a very pleasant one.
I was inspired to start blogging 18 months ago because of some negative experiences I’d had being male and the main carer for my two daughters. It can be difficult for men in my position because parenting services are geared up to cater for mums.
My blog has evolved and over time I’ve written about different issues, from serious subjects such as positive body image to more light hearted stuff such as how not to make the costume for your child’s Nativity play. Reviews are another strange one. When I launched Dadbloguk I never intended to produce any reviews but I discovered I enjoy writing them!
To me, however, being shortlisted for a BiB award is recognition of everything I’ve done to raise the profile of the good dads and to highlight the gender barriers men face as parents. Simply being shortlisted means a lot.
I’m not going to give you the hard-sell. In a typically British and under-stated way, I’m simply going to say that I’d be grateful if you would vote for my blog so I can get through to the next round and become a finalist.
You can vote by following this link. Voting ends at Midnight on Friday 16 May.
I’d like to wish everyone that’s been shortlisted the very best of luck. All the blogs and their authors deserve it.
Thanks also to everyone that has voted for my blog thus far. I really value your support.
Oh, one final thing. If I actually win, I promise to wear a kilt to BritMums Live on the Saturday. What more incentive do you need to vote

3 thoughts on “I’ve been shortlisted for a Brilliance in Blogging award!”
Well done John. I know just how you feel today. Well maybe not exactly but was so chuffed too to get that email from Britmums pop into inbox saying congratulations!
You’ve achieved alot in a short time and deserve the recognition x
Well done John! Very well deserved. As a newcomer to blogging I have found a lot of inspiration in your success and the standard set here is a benchmark for us lesser minions to aspite to. Keep up the great work.
Ryan – you’re not a minion at all! Thanks for your kind words and keep on blogging. I shall be taking a look at your site.