After relentless badgering from the kids, I finally gave in. It was a bit late in the evening, but, yes, they could start building the LEGO kits we had just taken delivery of.

This is where things went slightly awry. My eldest daughter, Helen, was keen to help but she had also allowed herself to be sucked into some maths homework that she was enjoying. She’d help us later.
It would be down to Izzy and I to get construction work underway. Izzy had initially been showing an interest in a LEGO Friends kit in pink and purple packaging. This, however, had been jettisoned for a Star Wars Darth Vader Transformation kit as Izzy is quite a fan of Star Wars.
I approved of her choice. I won’t deny it, I do struggle a with gendered packaging so I felt the Star Wars model was more appropriate.

Only thing is, Izzy is four years of age. The Star Wars kit was for kids aged seven and above.
Did I tell a four-year-old she couldn’t make the LEGO kit she really wanted, or would I go ahead and build it with her? Naturally I did the latter.
When I say really wanted, I mean really. The photo below shows how keen she was to get into the box.

The box contained two separate bags of components. I turned my back for a moment, just a moment, and to my horror found the lot spilled across the pew we have in our kitchen.

This looked bad. I quizzed Izzy. She informed me the contents of bag one was to the right and bag two to the left. To my great surprise, she had indeed managed to keep the two sets of components separate and building got underway, with Izzy making Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine (see picture above) while I made the model itself.

According to the box and instructions, it was quite a clever model. Once completed, Anakin Skywalker would sit on a platform and with the push of a button and a twist of handle would re-appear as Darth Vader.
I should say a quick word about this kit. It was one of a large range of LEGO kits that’s available from Tesco Direct.
There’s quite a varied range so something for children of all ages, not to mention grown-ups. There are Duplo sets, City sets, sets based on cartoon characters and so on. It’s a very comprehensive range with items in all budgets.
In addition to the Darth Vader Transformation we are now building a Spiderman Super Heroes kit and I am sure at some point the LEGO Friends set will also be made. Anyway, you probably want to know how our LEGO building session went?
Well, having made Darth Vader, Izzy was called in to have dinner leaving me to build on my own. When Izzy returned, she helped out by sitting next to me…..and playing with something else altogether.

Eventually Helen came to join in, although she was soon ushered away, along wither her sister, to have a bath leaving me to get on with it on my own, again. I can’t say I’m surprised, I sort-of predicted this was going to happen.
Helen can just be left to build LEGO models. Izzy isn’t quite old enough so I bought this on myself.
Once the kids were in bed, I completed the model while simultaneously watching House of Cards with Mrs Adams. Mrs Adams asked whether I was doing this for myself or the kids. To be honest, I was rather enjoying it so I didn’t know how to answer!
Once I’d got the kids washed, dressed and breakfasted the following morning, I did the big reveal. For once we were ready early.

There was no rush to get to school and so I let the kids play with the model. They loved it. They were pretending to be different characters and playing out different scenes. It was the kind of parenting scenario that’s a joy to watch.
In conclusion, I was very impressed with the LEGO range at Tesco Direct. I enjoyed building this model but what I enjoyed even more was watching the kids play with it afterwards.If I were to pass on any advice, I’d say:
- Don’t start these projects so late at night and
- If you’re going to build LEGO models with a four year old, accept that you will end up doing most of the work.
I wish you every success. I find that LEGO is just as inspiring and as much fun as it was when I was a kid.
Disclosure: This is a commissioned post produced in association with Tesco Direct.
2 thoughts on “Building LEGO models with a four year old”
A few Christmas’s ago I built a Lego traditional village Toy shop model. Complete with huge Christmas tree. My Daughter Imogen was around 4 – 5 years old. So essentially I was in a similar place. We broke the project into stages and did it over several nights as the frustration from both of us needed to subside.
I would read the manual and point at locations the pieces needed to be put. Between the two of us we got there.
Lego and construction is for both boys and girls and I’m pleased its being embraced.
Oh LEGO is definitely for boys and girls. Anyone who says otherwise is being quite disingenuous. I love watching my kids build and it keeps them quite and entertained for ages. You can guess what I spent much of Father’s Day afternoon doing?