
Category: Dadbloguk Q&A

Dope Black dads, fatherhood, support for dads, dad blog, Marvyn Harrison
Dadbloguk Q&A

Q&A with Marvyn Harrison of Dope Black Dads

Imagine a man struggling to connect with his wife. He asks for help from an online community of dads and 175 of them get together and help him write the letter. This is what can happen when dads work together and is a great example of the support provided by the Dope Black Dads community

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Dadbloguk Q&A with early childhood specialist Laura Henry

You know when you think you have a good idea what someone does for a living, but when you ask a few probing questions, discover they have the most fascinating background? That’s exactly the position I found myself in when I asked early childhood specialist Laura Henry to participate in this Q&A.

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Third Door, co-working, nursery, flexible working, Shazia Mustafa
Dadbloguk Q&A

Combining childcare with co-working: Q&A with Shazia Mustafa of Third Door

Speaking from personal experience, childcare is one of the biggest considerations for any working parent. Back in the days when I was a salary-man, Mrs Adams and I relied heavily on childcare for our eldest daughter and since our youngest daughter started school, I have struggled to find flexible childcare to fit around the gig-economy

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