
Category: Education

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The Great Homework Debate

A chance remark by a comedian has re-ignited the debate about homework. It’s a bit of a perennial this one. Rather like the school sports day issue, it’s a bonfire that never quite goes out quite, its embers flaring up from time to time.

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milestones, parenting milestones, alternative parenting milestones, school uniform, bereavement, parenting advice, parenting tips, fatherhood advice, fatherhood tips, uk dad blogger

Alternative parenting milestones

There I was, tidying up, ironing clothes and cleaning our house. As I did so, my mind wandered to all those parenting milestones us parents go through: Pregnancy, birth, baptism, first day at nursery, first day at school and so on.

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school, schooling, summer holidays, anxiety, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dad blo guk, sahd, school run, school run dad

Did the summer holidays have to end?

After six weeks with no school run, yesterday was the day my darling children returned to school. Having dropped them off in the morning, I dashed home and excitedly got on with a variety of DIY tasks that I had been wanting to deal with all summer.

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Enjoying Subway NFL Flag

While watching the World Cup with my kids, I faced a few awkward questions from Helen, my eldest daughter. She wanted to know why no women were playing and while I did explain there was a female game, she seemed unconvinced by my explanation, clearly picking up on the comparative lack of razzmatazz surrounding women’s

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