A woodland adventure
Yesterday I took my two daughters on an impromptu woodland adventure. Pictured below is Izzy, my youngest child, making the most of a tree stump we came across.
Yesterday I took my two daughters on an impromptu woodland adventure. Pictured below is Izzy, my youngest child, making the most of a tree stump we came across.
The summer holidays will soon be upon us and many families will be heading off to enjoy the sun in some far-flung, gorgeous location. The Balearic Islands are a popular choice with families. Although I haven’t been for some time, I have visited them in the past.
I took this image on a recent family outing to Palacerigg Country Park in North Lanarkshire, Scotland. It was taken from a treetop walk looking (I think!) North.
Last weekend we went on another family outing to a National Trust spot. We’re making the most of it, having only recently joined the organisation.
Is this a colourful, eye catching example of urban art or a shambolic, unruly mess? It’s up to you to decide! I took this photograph earlier this week when I made a brief visit to Melbourne in Australia (why was in Australia? Click here or here to find out more). It’s of a back alley