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Australia, blogging, blogger, stay at home dad
What happens when a stay at home parent leaves his family for a brief visit to Australia? Ask me in a week or so and I’ll tell you. The combination of stars and stripes, by the way, was unintentional!

A few weeks ago I received an email. As a result of my blogging, albeit indirectly, I was asked to participate in an awesome looking project.

I was very honoured to be approached, not to mention a little surprised (sorry to tease, but I’m not at liberty to discuss the details). Even so, I was going to turn it down.

It was going to involve me, the stay at home parent, travelling down under to Australia for several days during the school term. No, the impact on home life would be too much. It was tough, but I’d have to politely decline.

I informed Mrs Adams of my decision. Her response was as follows;

“You cannot turn this down. You are never going to get a chance like this again.”

In my twenties I was a travel journalist. I’d travelled extensively and flown long-haul, usually business class, many times during that pampered part of my life. Nonetheless, I’d never made it to Australia. Here I am, the wrong side of 40 (albeit just) with the chance to visit the world’s largest island. My wife was correct; this might be my one and only chance to visit a nation I have always wanted to see.

I thought about Mrs Adams’ response for all of 30 seconds. I simply had to accept.

I think this is testament to what a great woman Mrs Adams is. I know many individuals, men and women, who would chuck their toys out the pram if their other half was offered a spell overseas, even a brief one like this. Not so my wife. I think she’s demonstrated incredible support and I am very grateful (and no, she is not standing over my shoulders as I write this!).

Oh, and for the record, if she were ever asked to do similar, I would of course react the same way. Life is for living, right?

Back to the matter in hand. Organising this trip has been a mammoth task. There have been discussions with my eldest daughter’s school. Our youngest daughter’s pre-school has been fully briefed. My wife can’t really cut back her work hours and so a flotilla of childminders has been mobilised to take up the strain in my absence.

Mrs Adams has done the school collection a few times in the afternoon, but never the drop off in the morning. That will all change while I am down under. It’s going to be a big change for her and I think I may need to return with a ginormous gift (The Aussies mine diamonds, right?).

Although I’m only away for a few days, I am going to miss my family dreadfully. Add in a bit of jet lag, and I may get a bit moist-eyed at times.

Not that she will need it, but please do wish Mrs Adams luck as she temporarily takes on the main care-giving role. As for me, well, I would ask you to wish me all the best as I deal with the jet lag, but I have a funny feeling you probably won’t feel too bad for me! The weather forecast is, after all, 21˚C and sunny.

17 thoughts on “When daddy visits Australia. . .”

    1. Thanks Jo. I’ve always wanted to visit Aus so it’s an opportunity I really wanted to accept. Sure Mrs A will be fine, if exasperated by the time I return.

    1. I’m told opals are what Aussies excel at so I may get her one of those! Thanks for your kind words Vicki. Will tell you all about it on my return.

  1. While I’ve been a parent my wife has had 7-10 day work trips (jollies) to San Francisco, Brazil, Rome, and Canada. Thing is it was kind of ok to be alone (with kid) for a while. Don’t feel too bad about Ms. Adams at home. 😉

    1. Oh I don’t feel bad, but I thin it’ll be a crash course for her. She’s never had to do the school run etc so she’ll be on a learning curve. it’ll all be fine though.

  2. Pingback: Making the most of Chartwell - Dad Blog UK

  3. That sounds like an amazing opportunity and very well done to Mrs A for giving you the go-ahead. I can, hand on heart, say I would neither go nor let my husband go!
    I hope you have a brilliant time and good luck to your family while you are away!

  4. Pingback: Going on a babymoon? What you need to know. - Dad Blog UK

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