It’s nice when a photograph receives an unexpectedly positive response, isn’t it? Although I quite like the madcap humour of the picture below, I was going to delete it. Until, that is, I saw Mrs Adams’ response.

When Mrs Adams saw the picture she burst into hysterics. At that point, I thought it might be worth sharing with the world.
I took the picture when Helen, Izzy and I visited Godstone Farm, a petting farm in Surrey. It was a special treat now that school is out.
You need not worry: nobody has been buried head first in the ground. I can assure you this is nothing more that a fun, eye-catching sculpture someone has put together!
I wasn’t sure if I should try to re-align the picture so that it appeared straight. When I tried doing this, however, it lost its character. Sometimes photographs are best left as they were taken: raw, rough and ready.
I hope you liked the image. I have added it to the #MySundayPhoto linky which is hosted by the splendid blog. To see photography produced by other bloggers, simply click on the badge below to visit the linky.
Please do also visit this guest blog post from Darren Coleshill, the photographic tour-de-force that produces It’s well worth reading if you want some hints and tips for improving your family photography.

23 thoughts on “If you go down to the farm today. . .”
I’m with Mrs Adams on this one, it made me chuckle too. Such a fun photo and it looks like a great place to visit. #MySundayPhoto
It made me laugh when I first saw the sculpture, but I wasn’t sure about the photo. Mrs Adams did a great job of persuading me otherwise.
I love this capture, such a clever idea and so funny too
I wish I could take credit for the actual sculpture, but that’s someone else’s doing!
Love it, a fun photo. I could make a joke about you burying your head…but I won’t
Thank you for linking up
That would have been a great joke Darren. Great news that you like the shot. It’s certainly a fun image (or I think so anyway!).
Mrs Adams is right! #MySundayPhoto
Oh this is brilliant, I can see myself recreating this – Sorry Farmer Nick!
If you recreate it Fiona, I need to see pictures.
Made me chuckle too! #MySundayPhoto
I love the fun sculpture – it makes me smile
Hi Carol, thanks for commenting. I wouldn’t want it to make you do anything else.
hehehe! That did make me chuckle. What a fun sculpture.
Yeah, fun is how I’d describe it. Certainly not high art but who cares?
This is such a brilliant photo. Love it, such a genius capture x
Thanks Susan. Delighted to hear you think it is genius! I simply had it down as a bit of fun.
I actually thought the legs were real at first so surprisingly amusing. Brilliant ????
Great that the farm has a sense of humour and I hope this stays in place! #mysundayphoto
I think the wonky angle works. Tilted screen just to check (didn’t everyone?) and it loses something. A photo that makes people laugh is no bad thing. #MySundayPhoto
Haha, that looks so much fun X #mysundayphoto
Someone has a brilliant fun sense of humour there John and thanks for deciding to include it for your Sunday Photo. I had quite a giggle looking at it. Enjoy your week 😀
Haha ha! ????
Photos are so, so important. It’s difficult to get a fun image but you’ve gotbit right there.
Next time im out and about in a day out im challenging myself to get an amazing image just like that!
I wish you all the very best getting your own images!