I’ve been looking forward to writing this blog post for weeks. I’ll keep it very short: I simply want to wish you a very happy Christmas.

Dadbloguk over the past year.
Whatever you are doing and however you are marking the occasion, may you and everyone you love have a wonderful time.
In case you aren’t familiar with what’s in the picture, that’s a Christingle. They’re not something that was ever a part of Christmas when I was a child, but they’ve become something of a tradition in our household because we usually take the children to a Christingle church service at this time of year.
May I also thank all of my readers and followers for all the support they’ve given me and Dadbloguk over the past year. It means a lot and your encouragement keeps me going, especially in a year like 2018 which has presented a few challenges.
I will be signing off the blog now for a couple of days. I will probably still be on social media, but don’t expect too much as I plan to concentrate on my children and those closest to me!