Over recent months I’ve found myself getting more and more into photography. I blame the #MySundayPhoto linky for my revived interest in this hobby. I love uploading my own images and seeing what other people have been up to.
You’ll notice I said this is a “revived” interest. Way back through the mists of time, I was quite keen on taking and developing my own images. As a student I was trained in press photography but these were the days of 35mm film. I went on to work as a journalist and had the occasional picture published here and there but nothing of significance. Skip forward to 2014 and having relied on camera phones for years, I invested in a bridge camera. I’ve had great fun getting to grips with it but recognise I have much more to learn. Digital cameras are great bu,t I am having to update all my old skills, not to mention get to grips with the arious editing systems available.
I have, therefore, just enrolled on a brand-new online course organised by Photography for Parents (see disclosure below). The course has six modules and I plan to share my work on the blog as I complete the six modules.
An area of mine where I need to improve my skills is portraiture, in particular taking pics of the family and children. This is something Photography for Parents specialises in and so, with its advice, I’m really looking forward to getting some great portraits of my family.
I’m presently working my way through module one. This explores space and light, focusing and how to use the settings for maximum control.
In the following couple of modules I’ll be looking at shutter speed, depth of field and ISO, capturing moving objects and shooting at night time. I’ll then go on to more advanced subjects such as creating depth, design concepts and adding colour etc.
As you go through the course, you upload the images to a password protected area on the Photography for Parents website. the other students on the course can discuss what they’ve done and swap ideas and an experienced photographer also provides feedback.
As I go through the course I’ll post images as I progress. I’ll aim to post at least one a week. Until the next time!
Disclosure: Photography for Parents is an advertiser on Dadbloguk. I have, however, paid to complete this course and have the company’s agreement to write about my experiences.
4 thoughts on “Join me as I improve my photography”
Pingback: My Sunday Photo 7/9/2014 | Dad Blog UKMy Sunday Photo 7/9/2014 - Dad Blog UK
I look forward to seeing your photos and hearing more about the course it sounds great! 🙂
Pingback: My Sunday Photo 16/9/2014 | Dad Blog UKMy Sunday Photo 16/9/2014 - Dad Blog UK
Pingback: My Sunday Photo 21/9/2014 | Dad Blog UKMy Sunday Photo 21/9/2014 - Dad Blog UK