I can’t believe another year has passed and the #BML16 blogging conference is just around the corner. It’s a particularly special event for me this year as I have, to my great surprise, made it to the finals in the Readers Choice category of the Brilliance in Blogging Awards.

Before I go any further, I have to say a huge thank you to everyone that voted for me and helped me get this far. I cannot stress enough how much your support means to me and I wish everyone else who has made it to the finals the very best of luck.
That said, I thought I would join in with the ‘I’m going to #BML16’ linky. I’ve added my details below. If you want to come and say hello on the day, please do. I’m always keen to meet new people.
John Adams
My blog:
Find me on social media at:
How I look:
For starters I’ll look incredibly male compared to the overwhelming majority of delegates. Other than that, dark but increasingly grey, hair and 2mm of stubble. Some might say tall, dark and handsome. The photo above may help!
Is this my first blogging event?
No, this will be my fourth #BML.
I will be wearing…
Absolutely no idea at this stage, although I am eyeing up a few items on the Espirit website. Whatever I wear, it’ll be difficult to trump the Liberty print shirt I wore last year ‘though.
What I hope to gain from #BML16:
Every year I attend #BML and come away full of ideas. It’s very inspiring and educational. This year I will be looking to find out all I can about YouTube. I’ve been doing a lot on YouTube recently and had some great successes but there is always room for improvement. Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to catching up with various bloggers I know in real life (as opposed to those I know solely via social media), plus meeting some new ones for the first time.
My tips for a great conference:
If it’s your first time attending #BML, you may be nervous about meeting people. It’s quite understandable but you’ll probably come away with lots of new friends. Regulars and first timers often arrange to meet a few people in advance, so that’s worth considering. Come with an open mind and ready to take lots and lots of notes. Also, do what the few men in attendance do; wear flat shoes.
I very much look forward to meeting you in June. Thanks for reading and see you soon!.
I have linked this post to the ‘I’m going to #BML16’ linky on the BritMums website. To view the linky and see the other posts on the site, follow this link.
2 thoughts on “A word of thanks….and see you at #BML16”
Good thinking on the flat shoes – I’ve been going back & forth on footwear but I’m going to take your advice! congrats on being a finalist! Hopefully we can say hi at some stage 🙂
Yes Becky, hopefully we will meet at some point. Glad my advice about the shoes was helpful.