A little while ago, my eldest daughter Helen sent a letter to the Queen, wishing her a happy 90th birthday. Earlier this week, she was sent this card in response (Quick note: for anyone visiting following my win for Best UK Dad Blog at the Vuelio Blog Awards, please come back tomorrow as I have a special post planned to mark the occasion!).

That little girl was absolutely over the moon. I wish you could all have seen her face on seeing the envelope and pulling out this card. Needless to say, it was very carefully wrapped up and taken to school for ‘show and tell’.
Yes, okay, I am sure Lizzie and her team sent out thousands of these cards. All I thought Helen would get in response would be a letter, not a card with photograph (and let me assure you, the card is exceptionally good quality!). It was a very nice touch and I can’t stress enough how happy it made Helen to receive this.
I made repeated attempts to take a photograph of this card with my Canon camera. None of them quite worked out. The image here was a quick snap taken on my phone. I think it’s proof that camera phones have got incredibly good these days.
I have linked the image to the wonderful #MySundayPhoto linky hosted on the equally wonderful Photalife blog. Click on the link below to visit the linky and see what other bloggers have been up to.

30 thoughts on “A note from the Queen”
That is wonderful! I bet the teacher couldn’t believe it when she pulled that out for show & tell! #mysundayphoto
I think the teacher was suitably impressed, yes.
What an amazing thing for Helen to receive! No wonder she was excited. That’s something to be treasured forever.
And treasured forever it will be. It is an impressive card too.
Hi John how nice for your daughter. I wouldn’t have expected that either. Got to ask though was it a MoonPig card? They are ever such good quality.
Oh no, this was no Moon Pig card. The card used for it is as hard as steel! It is certainly going to be treasured forever.
How exciting, that’s indeed a card to treasure.
Oh we will be looking after it very carefully indeed.
What a beautiful thing to receive.
Once again massive congratulations on the win. It was so very very deserved.
Thank you for linking up
Thakns Darren, it was a beautiful item to receive. As was the award!
Wow awesome. I expect this will be treasured for life!
We’ve put the card away safely where it will remain! Definitely an item to keep safe.
Such an amazing thing to receive in the post – yes there might have been a lot sent out but that does make it any less exciting to receive one! What a wonderful thing to bring in for Show and Tell. Congratulations on winning Best Dad blog too! 🙂
Thanks Louise, the win was quite unexpected. To say Helen was excited to receive the card is an understatement. It really made her week.
How lovely! Even if lots were sent out, it doesn’t stop it being so special! xx
Oh exactly, I’m sure many were sent but Helen loves it nonetheless.
Isn’t that wonderful. It probably cost them a fortune in taxpayers money to make and send but isn’t it lovely to get a thank you from the Queen herself! #MySundayPhoto
Ha ha, I consider it a tax rebate, in a weird kind of way.
What a delightful thing to get in response, think of the work that went in at the royal end to log all the addresses that sent them a card. Truly worth taking to show and tell. #MySundayPhoto
Must be a huge amount of work at the Royal End. Helen was so amazed to receive the card, she really was.
What a wonderful keepsake to treasure. Such a thoughtful thing to do. Well done again on your win as well John 🙂
Thanks Victoria, the win came as quite a pleasant surprise. Yes, it is a wonderful keepsake that’s being guarded very closely.
What a lovely thing to receive and treasure forever. #mysundayphoto
It is so going to be treasured. It’s been safely put away and will only be revealed on special occasions.
She must have been so thrilled, such a wonderful keepsake for her. Many congratulations again John, well deserved!
Helen was amazed. You should have seen her face, it made her week.
What an amazing thing to treasure and a great part of history marked! #MySundayPhoto ….congrats on the win too!
Oh it’s being guarded very carefully to keep it safe.
What an amazing thing to get from the Queen. I’d treasure it forever and ever 🙂
Oh it’s been locked away safely, this I can tell you!