Problematic neighbours can really wear you down, but there are ways you can resolve neighbourhood issues. What about a dispute resolution solicitor?

Having a peaceful home life means the last thing you want to do is continually row with those living alongside you. But the reality of today’s built-up world means a whole host of issues can arise between ourselves and our neighbours. When they crop up, it’s essential to try and resolve them as quickly and amicably as possible, even if it means using dispute resolution solicitors.
Disputes between neighbours can often go on for years and have shocking consequences. Our homes, after all, are our refuge from the world; a warm cocoon where we can wind down and relax. Anything that interferes with that is likely to be extraordinarily irritating.
And it can often be the case that disputes between neighbours can drag on for years and years — sometimes entire lifetimes — and never really be resolved. Here in the UK, a judge slapped a restraining order on a Cambridge man in October and fined him, after he made a citizen’s arrest on his neighbour over a bitter row that had been simmering for nearly two decades.
Are Dispute Resolution Solicitors Necessary?
So how do you successfully navigate what can often be a complex and heated dispute with a neighbour — and do you really need the services of dispute resolution solicitors to do so? Can you resolve the growing issue of your neighbour’s ever-expanding hedge that’s eating into your precious lawn space, without giving yourself a major headache and causing World War III in the process? How would you approach the sensitive issue of neighbouring children unintentionally damaging your adjoining property by kicking balls, shooting air guns and slamming their bikes into your fencing?
Thankfully, most people are reasonable and, when approached about an issue that’s causing a problem, a neighbour will do their utmost to comply so the issue is swiftly dealt with. We all know, however, that there are other people out there to whom no amount of rational talking or calm reasoning will make the slightest bit of difference.
If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you may be sorely tempted to pick up the phone or go online in search of dispute resolution solicitors to handle the problem (and luckily here in Britain, there is expert help). Before you do, it’s advisable to try a mediation service with an independent third party who might be able to resolve it. The Civil Mediation Council helps to amicably end disputes in England and Wales concerning neighbours, as well as family matters, contracts and consumer issues.
Taking the Legal Route
Indeed, some issues with problem neighbours may be criminal in nature — assault, breach of the peace and so on — and you may have to call the police in the first instance. If you do find yourself taking on dispute resolution solicitors to deal with your dispute, you may still be able to avoid a date (or many) in court. Sometimes, all it takes is a strongly worded solicitor’s letter, clearly pointing out the firm letter of the law, to bring people to their senses.
For disagreements that just cannot be resolved, it will have to be up to a judge to make a legally binding decision in the case. You may be able to find No Win, No Fee solicitors to take on the case, but the most important aspect of reaching a successful outcome is that your chosen solicitor is highly experienced in this area of the law. That then gives you the best possible chance of success.
It’s true what they say: English people’s homes are their castles — and no matter what size the house, no one has a right to disturb the occupants.
Disclosure: This is a commissioned post.Â