Shared parental leave: recognising men’s contribution
A little while ago I noticed an unfortunate twitter spat going on. The person taking the abuse was comedian and writer Liz Fraser.
A little while ago I noticed an unfortunate twitter spat going on. The person taking the abuse was comedian and writer Liz Fraser.
Shared parental leave is a subject I’ve written about many times in the past. Although the rules that were eventually introduced to update maternity and paternity leave fell short of what many hoped, it’s introduction was necessary. It was a big step in the right direction for creating better equality in the workplace and home.
Shared parental leave has been in place since April 2015 and new research from the charity Working Families has found that only .5% to 2% of eligible fathers have thus far made use of it. This will come of little surprise to anyone familiar with the policy. Such low take-up figures prove beyond doubt that
Here is the latest in my series of guest posts from political parties on the run up to the General Election. This post was written by Samantha Pancheri, Green Party Schools Spokesperson. In the post, Pancheri outlines the Green’s school policies and approach to equalities. This is the third in what I hope will be
Blink and you may have missed the news, but during the Easter break shared parental leave, something I’ve written about many a time, officially came into force. In other words, the old, inflexible paternity and maternity leave systems have been consigned to history. Under the new rules, mums and dads (or dads and dads and