
Making the most of Chartwell

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swing, outside activity, play, health, well being, activity
Helen, playing on one of the swings in the grounds of Chartwell, Winston Churchill’s family home.

I have barely had a minute spare to get outside with my camera, all my time being taken up as I prepare for my forthcoming jaunt to Australia. Yesterday, however, I had a brief break in my schedule and we had a family outing to Chartwell, the family home of Winston Churchill in Kent.

The house is a National Trust property. We’ve only just joined and are presently making very good use of the membership. It is, I think, going to save us an absolute fortune when it comes to entertaining the children.

While exploring the extensive grounds, we found a series of very large swings. I took this shot in burst mode as Helen had a play on them. Following this, we had a race across a field and got ourselves covered in mud as we did so (#dirtisgood, after all).

The picture looked okay in colour, but ’ve flipped it into black and white. ISO was 100, focal length 24mm, shutter speed 1/320 of a second and aperture f4.

Chartwell is an impressive property. The views are absolutely stunning and there are many artifacts and objects of interest from Churchill’s time during the war years. The kids, however, were very excitable and wanted to spend all the time outside and so Mrs Adams and I have vowed to return another day without the little ones so we can slowly peruse the property at our own pace.

I have linked this image to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the awesome Photalife blog. Please do click on the badge to visit the blog and check out some great photography.



24 thoughts on “Making the most of Chartwell”

  1. That’s a gorgeous, happy photo. I’m always very jealous of everyone’s photos and posts from National Trust properties. Sadly, we don’t have the time with all of our sport commitments and I feel the words ‘National Trust’ would be met with groans from my big kids!

    1. Ah, yes, I see your dilemma. Our ones still get excited at the thought of a swing and slide. I imagine your’s don’t.

  2. It’s a beautiful photo and such a still moment in time. I’ve not really heard of his family home before but i would love to see Blenheim palace one day!

    1. We had a wonderful day and have visited several other NT properties since then as well. We’ve gone a bit “new member crazy!!”

  3. Hi John, being a National Trust member has so many advantages. I’m often reading of peoples days out at a National Trust place. I bet Chartwell was interesting to browse around.

    Love your picture and one day I would love to be able to understand the shot details and know what they mean!


    1. I’ve rapidly discovering it has loads of advantages. I wish we’d taken out membership years and years ago. It would have saved us so much money entertaining the kids.

    1. The kids had a great time. I can see what Churchill meant; “A day away from Chartwell is a day wasted.”

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