
A curious sight at Goodwood Festival of Speed

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What is this? Two flying racing cars? Or is it two cars performing a crazy stunt? I hope you’ll agree it’s a curious sight.

Goodwood festival of Speed, BMW, Shell, sculpture, main feature
Two BMW racing cars, seemingly driving in the sky. Part of the main feature sculpture at this year’s Goodwood festival of Speed.

I took the image at Goodwood Festival of Speed on Friday. It’s of the sculpture that’s been placed outside Goodwood House. The sculpture, or ‘main feature’ as it’s referred to, is something of an annual tradition. It changes every year and is kept secret until the day before the event when it is unveiled to the media.

This year the sculpture honours 100 years of BMW. The vehicles pictured here are just two of several BMW racing cars to have been made an integral part of what is a very eye-catching feature (this article gives you a better idea what the entire sculpture looks like).

I happened to be walking across the sight and was briefly stood underneath the sculpture when I spotted these two cars right above my head. I was shooting into the light so the cars look a little darker than I was hoping, but having the sky as background makes for an interesting picture.

I was very fortunate to be hosted at the event by the Shell V-Power Nitro+ team. While there, I took part in the 100 Years in 100 minutes challenge. This involved running around the site, fulfilling a number of challenges in 100 minutes. Among other things, I had to film myself giving away fuel vouchers to complete strangers and answer questions about Shell fuels and BMW.

To my amazement, I won. The prize was a pair of hospitality tickets to the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

As part of the day, I also got to take both a BMW M4 and i8 around Goodwood Motor Circuit. When driving, I hit speeds of 120mph. I sent a text message to my wife telling her this and she wasn’t hugely impressed. What she didn’t realise, until I told her later, is that I was also taken out by racing driver Eric van de Poele.

When he was behind the wheel, the speeds we hit were closer to 200mph. I confess I got out the car feeling slightly queasy, but it was an amazing experience.

I have linked this post to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the Photalife blog. I strongly recommend clicking on the link below to see some great photography from other bloggers.



20 thoughts on “A curious sight at Goodwood Festival of Speed”

    1. It was a bust day on Saturday Victoria. I did hear your key note. Very well read and many good points made.

  1. The statue they have their is awesome. I loved it when I visited a few years back.

    It was good to see you and catch up with you even if it was too brief.

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Hi John, your picture had me fooled. I was trying to imagine just what kind of stunt was being executed for you to be able to catch a photograph like that!

    The one hundred years in one hundred minutes challenge sounded fun,have a fantastic day at the Grand Prix!


  3. Sounds like you had a blast! I wonder how they kept that particular ‘main feature’ a secret; it must have been though. Glad you had fun and congrats on winning the challenge. #MySundayPhoto

    1. I have n oidea how they keep the main feature secret considering its size. Thanks for commenting Tara.

    1. Well, I tireid to forget the election results but it was hard! Glad you liked the picture and kept up with things on social media.

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