I got a wake-up call at the weekend. It states the obvious in many ways, but I remembered that I have a young child and I discovered that entertaining a group of kids for two hours during a birthday party is not easy.

No, no, no, I haven’t discovered that I absently minded sired a child and forgot about him or her. I simply got a wake-up call about the capabilities of Izzy, my four year old, and her little friends.
It was her birthday a few weeks ago and, a little belatedly, we held a party to mark the occasion. In previous years, both for Izzy and her older sister Helen, we’ve hired a kids’ entertainer.
Although expensive, it does relieve the stress and also gives both Mrs Adams and I the chance to mingle and talk to other mums and dads. This, I believe, is especially important in our kind of family as us stay at home dads don’t have as many chances to meet parents as our female counterparts. A birthday party is the one place where I get to meet and mingle freely with both mums and dads.
This year was different. Deciding we needed to save money in this age of austerity, we were going to lay on the entertainment ourselves.
Only thing is, we were a bit disorganised. We didn’t get the food until the very last minute and so the plan was for me to entertain the kids with various party games while Mrs Adams prepared sandwiches and so on.
For almost two hours straight I had to entertain Izzy’s friends. Things didn’t quite go to plan, however, and I couldn’t honestly tell you how many children were in that room.
We were expecting 11 children but someone had a childcare crisis so had to come with two kids. Someone else unexpectedly came with an older sibling and a child we had no recollection of inviting arrived bearing gifts. In addition to this, one kid dropped out at the last minute while another child, who we didn’t think had received their invite because they’d left the nursery to start school, did turn up (…with their eight-month sister in tow).
I had to entertain a group of children aged from eight months to seven years in age. It was utterly chaotic.
What’s the Time Mr Wolf kind of worked, although I was amazed there were no injuries when the kids ran off. Pass the Parcel was also reasonably successful, but it did require some firm policing as there were times it threatened to go awry. For some reason the kids absolutely loved Sleeping Lions and we had to play it over and over and over again, although none of them got the rules and kept looking under the sheet to see who was hiding underneath.
I made at least one child cry by enforcing the rules of Musical Chairs. As for Musical Statues, well I’d just given up by this point. I just played music, paused it and vaguely pointed at someone saying “I think you’re out.”
As the kids were very young, almost all the mums and dads stayed. I have to say that doing all this in front of the parents was quite a challenge as I felt like I was on show.
I was utterly drained after the experience and felt like I had done an awful job. Mrs Adams and the other parents, however, reassured me it had gone well (I remain to be convinced) and said the kids had enjoyed themselves.
Going back to the statement I had made at the beginning, it was a fascinating experience being in a room with so many young kids. As a family, we are, of course, used to hosting play dates and having other kids around. Izzy, however, is our youngest child and as she grows up, we kind of forget how much help little people who are younger than her sometimes need.
We had to make constant reminders about visiting the toilet, help the kids pour drinks and so on. One or two kids didn’t have their mums or dads around and they needed comforting. It’s the total reverse for our eight-year-old, Helen, who wants you to go the second she’s been dropped off at a party.
The biggest lesson of all? I think next time we’re going to find the money for an entertainer.
7 thoughts on “how not to organise a birthday party.”
For my daughter’s 4th, we just got away with just having free play (we held it in the venue for the playgroup I ran) with some songs at the end. For her impending 5th, we’re doing a joint one with 2 other girls and currently sorting Entertainer etc. They see now how other kids have magicians and the like and want the same (or better!). More expense, but splitting some costs 3 ways helps.
Sounds like a great idea. We’ve never held a joint party but maybe one day we will.
I just don’t want kids around at home (the thought of cleaning lots before and then after with chaos in between just makes me want to cry. Last year we debated (he had a joint one with his best friend) organising our own, but decided we couldn’t be bothered and that we just wanted to do food. So we had a science party – it was brilliant, everyone loved it. Then they ran around for a bit while we set out food, then ran around with some music on before the pinata. And that was it. Fab.
This year N doesn’t want a joint party, so I’m angling towards going out with some friends somewhere. But the best friend still wants a joint party. We’re looking at potentially didycars – joint parties are great, but one person always ends up doing all the work (me last year), and I hate all the presents/tat given. So we’ll see.
We have held the one party at home. Since then it’s been church halls. I think when they are smaller it’s easier to do at home but thought of 10-ish eight year olds running round the house is terrifying. good luck organising this year’s party!
Pingback: My daughter’s fourth birthday party was a disaster. | Inmylife
Sounds very familiar. We just celebrated a 4th birthday. Bouncey Castle and a shed load of balloons, that’s the secret.
Kids can amuse themselves for hours with balloons.
It was still the most manic 2 hours of my life. No chance to talk to the other parents at all!
Balloons! Why didn’t I think of that? In fact my eldest was once invited to a balloon party. the kids just blew up and sent balloons flying round a room for two hours. They were all delighted!