
Making daisy chains with daddy #MySundayPhoto 6 April, 2014

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Making daisy chains with daddy

#MySundayPhoto, my sSunday Photo, #SilentSunday, daisy chains, daisies, flowers, dads, fathers, dad, parenting, relationships, park
One of several daisy chains I made for my daughter. #MySundayPhoto

Every now and again I come across a situation where I feel self-conscious as a parent. Although I like to think of myself as reasonably confident, it comes with the territory when you’re male and the main carer for your kids.

A lot of dads claim they are made to feel uncomfortable when seeing the health visitor or in the school playground. I’ve never had too many problems in these environments. The other day, however, I discovered my Achilles Heel.

I had just picked up my eldest from school and we went to the local park. It was very busy with loads of kids and mums who had all had the same idea. I was the only dad there.

My eldest wanted to make daisy chains. It’s not the first time I’ve done this for her, but being the only dad just made me feel a bit awkward! It didn’t seem like a very “dad” thing to do.

Despite this, I got over my issues and made a few different pieces of jewellery out of daisies. What you see here is a bracelet that Helen was adamant she wanted to wear into town where we had to go shopping immediately afterwards. I’ll also let you into a little secret; I actually felt quite proud of what I had created for her!

11 thoughts on “Making daisy chains with daddy #MySundayPhoto 6 April, 2014”

  1. That’s brilliant John, a lovely story and a great daisy chain bracelet. Far better than my efforts I’m sure. Sounds like your daughter was super proud though and that’s what counts 🙂

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