Hold that thought Milton is a story that will probably remind you of your own childhood…and will resonate with any parent! We’ve all been there; you’re trying to get on with something important but you have a young child demanding your time so you tell them you’ll get back to them shortly.
This is the tale of a young boy in that very position. He’s lost his pet frog and is desperately trying to get a grown up to help him find it. Sadly for Milton, his family is busy preparing for a wedding so none of them listens to him. I can’t say any more without giving away the whole story, suffice it to say the lack of empathy with Milton has hilarious consequences!
This particular title is written by Linda Ravin Lodding and illustrated by Ross Collins. Helen, our five year old, really enjoyed the book.
I think this particular title would be lost on readers younger thanfive, so I would keep that in mind if you are tempted to buy it. The book is published by Parragon and available from Amazon for £5.99. Â