My youngest daughter has an obsession with bags; handbags, cotton shopping bags, her older sister’s school bags, whatever, she just loves them. It was no different when this Kitbrix sports bag arrived. She pointed straight it and helpfully remarked “bag, daddy.”
I can see why she was so interested in it. This is an eye catching product, even if not aesthetically pleasing. This is an important point to make; this bag is made to be practical not beautiful It’s for those moments when you’re going to the sports field or the park with the kids and you need to pack sports equipment, clothes, shoes, snacks and so on.
I took one look at this and thought it would also be ideal for my rare inline skating adventures. It’s the right size for a pair of line skates and all the pads (yes, that was an admission, I love inline skating).
Here are some of the Kitbrix’s features;
- Made from a wipe clean tarpaulin (good if you’re visiting muddy sports fields)
- Can be used as a holdall, rucksack or shoulder bag
- External webbed pockets for items you need in a hurry
- Water proof internal pockets
- Rigid bottom providing strength and
- Clear internal pocket for mobile phone etc.
The unique selling point of this product comes from the brix part of the name. The bag comes with external zips so you can zip several of them together, rather like bricks in a brick wall. This could be very useful if you have different bags for different kids or are maybe catching a flight and want to check everything in together. It’s a testament to the fact it was designed by former military officer Robert Aldous who knows a thing or two about arriving at destinations and having to ensure kit is not lost or misplaced.
Over the past weekend we’ve used the bag to accompany us on a trip swimming and on a playdate. I’m a fan, I think it’s hardwearing and that we’ll get a lot of use out of it. If you’re into sports or need something like this to transport your kids sports gear then the Kitbrix could be for you.
One of these bags will set you back £39.99. Available from the Kitbrix website.