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2 March, 2014 #SilentSunday #MySundayPhoto
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16 thoughts on “Silent Sunday, 2 March, 2014”
Aww, does she love skateboarding?! My son really wants one!
That’s so cool! I love skateboarding but my boys have yet to show any interest!
Very adventurous! I wouldn’t mind having a go myself. #mysundayphoto
I was never any good at this, Aly wanted one but we settled on skates first.
Thank you for linking up
hope there were not to many bumps
That looks lots of fun #MySundayPhoto
That looks like fun! Lovely photo!!
Love that the wellies match the colour of the skateboard!
She’s braver than I am
Great action shot 🙂
Looks ready to take on the world.
Very cool photo 🙂
Great photo!
So much fun!
Looks like she’s doing some great skateboarding.
Wow she’s got some space ahead and she’s going to speed off!! Very brave 🙂