Christmas, for me, is a very special time. I love seeing how excited the children get and I love organising everything for the family. Sometimes, however, it can feel a bit overwhelming and it can be necessary to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and do something for the fun of it to bring the magic back.

Finding the inspiration can be a little tricky when you’re hoping the engraved present you bought for your mother is going to arrive on time. Or maybe, as happened to me yesterday, you find yourself staring at a supermarket chiller cabinet with only two turkeys left in it and wondering if what’s left is big enough.
Thorntons Top 10 Cheeky Tricks to Keep the Magic of Christmas Alive
If you’d like to boost your Christmas magic a little bit on the run up to the big day, chocolatiers Thorntons has a solution. Thorntons has created a Cheeky Elf Academy and a list of Top 10 Cheeky Trips to Keep the Magic of Christmas Alive.
The Cheeky Elf, in case you are wondering, is the newest and most mischevious model from Thorntons Christmas range. I’ll tell you more about him in just a moment.

So what activities are on this list? They’re very simple and great fun. They include leaving Santa’s footprints in your house, recreating the sound of Santa’s reindeer landing on the roof and ageing a letter so it looks like it’s travelled all the way from Lapland.
A personal favourite was faking a phone call from Santa. A script for doing this, not to mention a downloadable version of the entire list can be found online.
Introducing the Cheeky Elf
Who is this Cheeky Elf? Inspired by the Elf on a Shelf phenomenon, Thorntons produced this little fella.
Costing £5 and available from most supermarkets, Cheeky Elf makes a superb stocking filler or small gift. He features some wonderful details, such as a cheeky smile and striped trousers.
Crucially, however, hiding the Cheeky Elf is one of the items on the list of cheeky tricks.

I shot a brief two-minute video of his antics. I’ve embedded it below. Please do have a watch and see exactly why this little character lives up to his name. It’s worth watching. Aside form anything else, you can see me in an elf-themed Christmas jumper and elf hat.
All good fun
I think Thorntons has come up with some simple, fun ideas to add a bit of sparkle to Christmas. The ideas are all very straightforward and easy to do.
Do you find yourself getting a little overwhelmed on the run up to Christmas? Do you find yourself wanting to dedicate a bit more time to your children and family?
If so, do leave a comment below. I’d be especially keen to hear from you if you try out some of Cheeky Tricks ideas. It would be great to know how you get along.
Disclosure: This commissioned was produced in partnership with Thorntons.
2 thoughts on “Ways to keep Christmas magical with the Thorntons Cheeky Elf”
This is brilliant way to keep the magic of Christmas going all the way to Christmas Day, he really is a cheeky elf. Love the video you look quite fetching John.
Ah, yes the video! The jumper and hat came from the afternoon I spent at Thorntons Cheeky Elf academy! They’re great arts and crafts on the list and I know the kids want to give some of them a go. They break up from school today so they may very well get their chance!