I confess I am a fan of Bulldog Skincare. I’m particularly partial to its face washes and men’s moisturisers but the brand has taken a leap in a different direction by producing a range of environmentally conscious shower gels, all of which I have been making use of.
What exactly has Bulldog Skincare unleashed on the world? It’s a range of four shower gels. Each one relies on gentle, naturally derived cleansers plus natural fragrances.
Bulldog Skincare has, like the rest of us, woken up to the fact it must cut down on its plastic use. Each of its shower gels is, therefore, sold in bottles made from 100% recycled plastic.
I think you’ve got the message. Bulldog’s new shower gels are aimed at the environmentally conscious consumer. Are they any good and what scents are available?
Original shower gel
This shower gel stood out because of its scent. It carried Bulldog’s unmistakable signature scent which, I have discovered, has base notes of cedarleaf and juniper with top notes of bergamot, lemon and lime. This option is probably best for you if you have sensitive skin as it is a non-drying soap.
Peppermint and eucalyptus
I thought this shower gel would be very invigorating. In fact, it was quite subtle. I think this is because it is derived from natural ingredients, which is no bad thing. Unlike its friends, the peppermint and eucalyptus shower gel can also be used as a shampoo.
For this reason, Bulldog suggests you should keep it in your gym bag for a post work-out pick me up. That way you can cut down on the number of items you carry with you.
Vetiver and Black Pepper
I wouldn’t argue with Bulldog’s description of this product as “spicy.” I expected nothing less with it featuring black pepper and it didn’t disappoint. This was my favourite of the bunch and the most invigorating of the new range.
Lemon and bergamot
As a fan of Earl Grey tea, I was quite excited by the lemon and bergamot shower gel. It’s described as a “light and refreshing explosion of citrus.” To be frank, I think the full stop could have been placed after refreshing. It is pleasant and the scent is very subtle. It was very nice, but not spectacular.
Cost and stockists
Each of the shower gels is available for £4.50 for a 500ml bottle or, representing quite a saving, £7 for a one litre bottle. The idea of selling bigger bottles is to cut down on the amount of packaging required.
You won’t struggle to find the shower gels. Bulldog products are widely available at outlets including Sainsbury’s, Boots and Waitrose, to name a few.
Final thoughts
The interesting thing to note about this range is that the scents are subtle compared to rival products. This, I am assuming, is down to the fact Bulldog has relied on naturally derived ingredients. For me, this is a selling point.
There’s something in this range for everyone. I have even heard it suggested, shock horror, that this range could be considered unisex. Considering Bulldog is famous of producing men’s skincare items, that’s quite a shift in focus.
The range is very pleasant and well-priced. It’s also an environmentally conscious range so what’s not to like?
Disclosure: I was given product samples of Bulldog Skincare’s new shower gel range for the purposes of producing this review. Thoughts and opinions entirely my own.