
Category: Home Improvement

Our new kitchen; installing the flooring

As you may be aware, we’ve just had a new kitchen installed in our house. We’ve done away with a horrible galley kitchen and installed an open-plan kitchen diner, which is much more suitable for modern, family life.

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Our new kitchen; flooring focus

Over recent weeks I have written regular updates as our kitchen refurbishment project has progressed. This week I’m going to do something different and focus on one element of the project; the flooring. This is a very significant part of the new kitchen for two reasons. Firstly, as the pictures below show, the flooring in

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Our new kitchen, week three; massive progress

The past week has seen some rapid progress in our kitchen. No longer is it an empty shell of a room, it now features a hob and oven, functional sink and some of the units are in place. There’s a lot to do, but things are taking shape and the end is in sight. This

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An experiment with bunk beds and sharing a bedroom

Our kitchen improvement project has had some unforeseen consequences. Based on the fact our kids have happily shared a bedroom for the past few weeks while the work has been going on, we are going to take a leap into the unknown, install bunk beds and get them to share a room permanently. This is

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