
Category: Home Improvement

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Family Life & parenting

A wake-up call to improve our home security

It was silly o’clock in the morning and one of the kids was at my side waking me up. “Daddy, daddy it sounds like someone’s trying to get in to the house.” I thought our home security was pretty good so I assumed she was mistaken.

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house on the market, family home, selling house, moving house, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com, dadbloguk, school run dad, stay at home dad, SAHD
Family Life & parenting

Putting our house on the market (at last)

We’re 10 days into 2018. How has is it been for you? For me it has been like being a passenger on an out of control diesel locomotive, all because of a conversation Mrs Adams and I had at the very end of last year about putting our house on the market.

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Ryobi, Ryobi ONE+ corldess hedge trimmer, hedge trimmer review, hrdge trimme rtest, dad blog uk, dadbloguk.com, school run dad, stay at home dad
Family Life & parenting

Ryobi ONE+ cordless hedge trimmer: Up to the task?

If there’s one home maintenance task I struggle with, it’s trimming our garden’s hedges. The reason for this is that we have ginormous hedges that were very badly maintained in the years before we bought our house.

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