With the heat having turned deliciously savage, I know I’m not the only parent dealing with kids who are perpetually hot and bothered.
I have a suggestion that will: cool your kids down, give them a treat and help get them closer to eating five a day. The suggestion? A homemade, fresh fruit ice lolly.
This is such a simple idea. Better still, if your kids are fussy, they don’t even have to know they’re consuming fresh fruit.
You can amend this recipe to suit the tastes of your kids, but this version has been exceptionally well received by my daughters, Helen and Izzy.
You will need:
- An ice lolly mould (I bought one from Amazon for £4.99)
- A blender
- Pineapple Mango
- Melon
- Coconut water (or tap water if you prefer)

- Chop a handful of melon, pineapple and mango into small cubes.
- Place into a blender with an equal measure of coconut water, or tap water if this is what you are using
- Blend until you are sure there are no lumps left in the mix
- Pour into the lolly mould and place into the freezer for a couple of hours.
- Most importantly of all: Hand the finished product to a child for their enjoyment.
Don’t worry if you make too much. You can simply pour it into a glass and drink it as the mixture makes for a delicious smoothie.
YouTube video? Of course!
In addition to telling you about this recipe, I can show it to you. Helen, Izzy and I made a short video demonstrating how to make these simple, nutritious lollies. Just hit play below.
Very flexible recipe
I have stocked up with a wide variety of fruit including strawberries, kiwi, banana and blueberries. Over the next few days I am going to experiment and give my kids various different combinations of fresh fruit lollies.
I hope you are inspired to try this recipe too. If you do, please do leave a comment below outlining what fruit you used as I may want to try out your recipe!
10 thoughts on “Cooling the kids down with a homemade fresh fruit, ice lolly”
Watched the video earlier this week and loved the idea, you guys had a lot of fun making them as well as eating them by the looks of it!
Oh yes, have to make many batches since then! Glad you liked the video.
Will give these a try. I always have good intentions then by day 3 of not getting round to it I cave in and buy 2 boxes of ice lollies, ‘cos heaven forbid they’d ever want the same type.
Oh yes, the whole, same lollies for everyone scenario. I feel your pain with that one.
Great way to slam down some fruits and veggies! Smoothies and Ice Pops make this part of the diet so much easier! Thanks so much! #THatFridayLinky
It certainly is a great way to get the kids slamming down fresh fruit and veg. I hope you try it out.
Ooo these look yummy! We tend to just use orange juice or apple juice from the carton, but I do much prefer the idea of fresh fruit. I bet they taste better too. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky
Orange or apple juice are ideal if you have a fussier child. In fact I’ve been experimenting and using fruit juice in addition to fresh fruit works very well.
We have often made lollies with fresh juice they look yummy Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please
They are great Nigel and they’re a guilt free treat. My kids love them and in the heat are having two or three a day.