I don’t know about you, but I always find the week following a school holiday is incredibly busy. All sorts of admin tasks and household chores build up while my kids, Helen and Izzy, are at home. Once they’re back at school, I find myself playing catch up.

Although simple to do, it was quite technical. I considered producing a tutorial but it would make for quite a long read so I shall simply leave you to enjoy the photograph on this occasion! The images I combined, however, can be found below.

As it’s the first time I’ve used this technique, I’m reasonable happy with the results. There are a couple of things I would like to improve about this image, but I learned quite a lot merging these images so it was worth it for the experience.

If you look at the photography category of my blog you’ll see I’m getting ever more adventurous with Photoshop. I’m always keen to improve my photo editing skills but I have so much more to learn. It’s great to be learning so much about editing photographs, but as we slide back into the school routine I hope to get out and use my camera more.
If you enjoy photography, you might like to follow this link to the Photalife blog. Darren, who runs the blog, hosts a monthly ‘linky’ where bloggers showcase their photography. It takes place on the last Sunday of the month, is called #MySundayPhoto and I have added this picture to it. It features some great photos and it’s a wonderful online community so is well worth a visit.
12 thoughts on “Creating a double exposure image”
Great image, John. It’s a skill being able to pick two good ones that go together, let alone actually doing it.
Thanks tara. It took a while to find images that worked. Givem more time I am sure I could have done better, but I think you can see what kind of week I’ve had!
It’s a fantastic image you’ve created. (Yep, the first week after the kids go back to school is always full of extra tasks!)
Oh Sarah, first week back, then a normal week, then a Bank Holiday week! I’m gonna have so much catching up to do! Glad you like the pic.
Amazing effect, I made one similar a little while back and had it printed on a t shirt. I think it looks amazing.
Thank you for joining in with #MySundayPhoto
Ah, now that t-shirt I must see. Always good to get some praise from the Mighty Coleshill.
How clever, it looks amazing. I love how you got the skyline going through the head so it looks like it’s vanishing. If you’d have done a tutorial I probably wouldn’t have been able to follow it. I just have difficulty with anything that’s not just a simple snap.
Glad you feel it looks clever! People don’t say that about me very often! It was a fun experiment but if you aren’t use to using Photoshop, any tutorial would be a bit dull, truth be told.
that’s a fantastic photo, I wish i had the patience to learn skills like that #mysundayphoto
Thanks, glad you like it. I am afraid it does take a certain amount of patience as you say!
Great work, John – it makes for a very striking combined image!
Thanks Tim, the intention was to use contrasting images so I am glad you feel it worked.