Money can be a tricky subject. Whether you are saving for a mortgage for your first home, expecting your first child, wanting to invest for your offspring’s future or your own retirement, family finances can sometimes seem very complicated.
What if you could put your questions directly to one of the UK’s biggest financial institutions and a panel of experts? Would you be interested in doing so? I’m delighted to say this is exactly the opportunity that I can offer a small number of Dadbloguk readers.
At this stage the details are still being finalised so I’m not at liberty to reveal everything. I can, however, tell you that a Google+ hangout will be taking place towards the end of this month with a brilliant panel of family finance experts.
I will also be involved in the hangout and I want you to submit your questions. Those that submit the best questions will also get the chance to participate (see below, there may be more than one reason to take part!).
Please do get thinking. What would you ask a group of individuals with decades and decades of experience handling family finances?
It may be that you’ve reached one of those big life stages and are unsure what you should be doing with your money. Maybe you would like a few pointers for creating a family budget? Maybe you are about to get married or expecting an imminent arrival and want tips for saving? Possibly you have some concerns about saving for your children’s future?
Leave a comment below with your question or tweet me at @dadbloguk using the hashtag #moneyhangout. Those that submit the best questions will be asked if they would like to take part and, best of all, will be offered a £50 shopping voucher for doing so.
I will reveal further details in the weeks to come. In the meantime, give it some thought and let me know what questions you would put to this expert panel.
I have been compensated for writing this blog post. To see my disclosure policy, please follow this link.
Pic credit; Taxrebate.org.uk. Published under Creative Commons 2.0 agreement. For more information about Creative Commons and links to the licence can be found by following the link in the above sentence.
12 thoughts on “Family finances; get your questions answered”
What a great idea!
Thanks for saying so. ANy particular questions you’d like answered?
I am a Dad of two and married for ten years. My son is seven and daughter five, I have been the only one bringing in a salary for five + years now. Because of this I have fallen into debt. Currently I am living out of my Overdaft and Credit Card, but know this will not last. I have cut cost as much as I can but my wife will not give up any of her luxeries. My wife has recently started working for herself and she spends her money on the growth of her business and thinks that my debt is my problem. I have recently stopped buying groceries and fortunately she has started buying groceries, I have closed my BT TV account and she has taken the phone bill now. I would like to move out of Cheshire to build some capital or get out of debt but she will not entertain it.
Any idea`s?
Thnaks for commenting Dillon. Quite a scenario you have there. Will get back to you.
Great idea John. My biggest problem is not straying from my “budget”! Looking back over the month and realising what money I’ve virtually wasted on impulse buys,a takeaway, etc which all can be avoided, can all add up quickly. I wonder if they had any advice for motivation and will power side of things to help stick to budgets?
Do you have any tips for managing spending successfully. I always seem to budget bust because of the unexpected events – it means I can never quite get my savings started.
I have to confess I frequently face the same problem Andy. Good question.
My wife and I are about to become parents for the first time. What top 3 financial tips would you give me as we now become parents?
Brilliant question James. A time of huge change for you and yor wife. Hope the pregnancy is going well.
Long term financial planning is something that I would like to instil into my children. Given the current cost of annuities balanced against exceptionally poor interest rates; pension tax relief balanced against tax free interest; commitment of at least saving until the age of 55 for stakeholder pensions balanced against instant access on savings, have stakeholder pensions become redundant and are more tangible investments a better way to get children excited about savings? If you choose a stakeholder pension, at what age could you create one in your child’s name compared with regular high street savings accounts and do they both have to wait until 16 years old before they can benefit from tax relief and tax free interest?
Excellent and very detailed questions there Tony. I’ll come back to you on these points and thanks for commenting.
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