For the second year running, I shall be attending BritMums Live. Us dads may be thin on the ground at BritMums, but a small number of us do go along and, speaking for myself, I think it’s a fantastic event. I look forward to seeing you there. Here’s a bit more about myself and I shall be adding this post to the I’m going to BritMums linky.
Name: John Adams
Twitter ID: @dadbloguk
Height: I forget exactly, but somewhere around 1metre 90cms.
Hair: My hair is supposed to be brown but is increasingly salt and pepper. You’ll find it styled in a side parting. There’s also a regulation 1mm of stubble on my face.
Eyes: Think Omar Sharif (…or something like that)
Is this your first blogging conference? No, this is my second. I attended BritMums last year (I was one of the speakers on the Saturday).
Are you attending both days? Oh yes, I certainly am.
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014? I found last year’s event very educational and I fully expect to come away from BritMums Live 2014 feeling exactly the same way.
I’m really looking forward to the Hands on Video Sessions. Sometimes I can surprise myself and just need a little help so Ruth Arnold’s Things You didn’t Know you can do, but can! session should be good. I’m sure the Saturday keynote from Benjamin Dutton-Brooks will be a must see and having been a guest on the Love All Dads podcast a couple of times, I’m really keen to hear what the boys have got to say.
What are you wearing? No idea. Perhaps something floral by Laura Ashley?
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014? I hope to come away with ideas for improving my video content and photography. I also hope to come away with ideas for improving my use of Google +. Of course this is also a great opportunity to catch up with friends and acquaintances and to meet some truly amazing and talented bloggers.
Do you have hints and tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? I can’t lie, I was bit nervous before I went last year. When I got there I found everyone to be very welcoming so don’t be too concerned about not knowing anyone.
Do also take the time to speak to sponsors and those running the stalls. By doing so I came away with some great ideas for content.
I look forward to seeing you.
3 thoughts on “I’m going to BritMums Live 2014”
How exciting that Britmums is SO close already! Feels like only yesterday I bought my early bird rate ticket and there was 7m+ plus to the event. Now its in 4wks! OMG! haha. Hopefully bump into you whilst there 🙂
Yes Debs, very much look forward to seeing you there. Being a geezer, I won’t be hard to find!
How exciting! First timer here and I’m really looking forward to it. 🙂