Over recent months I’ve tried out a few different health supplements from Healthspan. These have included a supplement to help your joints when physically active and another one called Energex Plus designed to give you a bit of a boost if you’re feeling fatigued.

I’ve recently been testing out a further Healthspan product. Known as MultiVitality Gold, it is a vitamin supplement for adults.
Unlike the previous supplements, this one isn’t designed with a particular health benefit in mind. It is a straightforward vitamin tablet that contains 27 different nutrients.
As there are 27 nutrients, I am not going to list all of them. I’ll just give you some of the highlights. Each tablet contains;
- Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K1
- Iron
- Iodine
- Magnesium
- Maganese
- Zinc.
In the majority of cases, the supplement contains 100% of your recommended daily intake (please do check for yourself as there are some variations). In addition to 18 vitamins, the pills contain nine further micronutrients that support brain, bone, heart and immune health. You are supposed to take one pill a day with water and the pills are marked as suitable for vegetarians.
As per the instructions, I have been taking one pill a day. Commenting on the performance of such products can be a little difficult as I can’t truly tell you what the state of my bone health or immune system is. I can, however, say that it was reassuring to know I was receiving a large number of essential nutrients in the appropriate quantities.
A pack of 180 tablets will set you back £9.95 (or 6p a day). This makes Healthspan very competitive compared to many of the products you can pick up on the High Street.
You can buy MultiVitality Gold from the Healthspan website. It is one of a range of multivitamins the supplements specialist sells. Other products include MultiVitality for vegetarians, MultiVitality 70 for individuals over the age of 70 and so on. The range is well worth exploring if you have specific requirements.
Of the Healthspan products I have been trying out, however, the Energex Plus supplements has been my favourite. It goes without saying you should never rely on supplements if you are feeling constantly fatigued or have an obvious health problem. If, however, you are going through a demanding few days and need something just to give you a little pep, Energex Pills are great. They contain ginseng, guarana and taurine to give you some energy, combined with a range of vitamins.
The Healthpan supplement range is very broad. If there is something in particular you are looking for, do visit the Healthspan website.
Disclosure; I was provided with Healthspan products for the purposes of this review. Thoughts and opinions entirely my own.