
Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures for Men: A Brief Guide

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Traditionally, cosmetic procedures were aimed at women. It was seen as inherently feminine to care about your appearance and take the time to preen, but this is no longer the case. Men do care about their appearance and how to put their best foot forward. After all, looking good helps to make you feel good, and you only get one chance to make a first impression – it might sound cliché, but it’s true. Men today have more choices when it comes to cosmetic procedures, and they are embracing this. Let’s get into it.

Bone Structure

A lot of people focus on the beauty standards imposed upon women in society, but there are also a lot of beauty standards imposed upon men – most of which focus on their underlying bone structure. Masculine faces tend to mean sharp jawlines and square chins, but not every man is fortunate enough to be born with these features. Filler can be used to create the appearance of these features. Some men even choose male celebrities whose bone structure they want to emulate, and a qualified aesthetician can help you to achieve these results. City Skin Clinic offers dermal fillers, which would help to achieve the right look for you.


Truthfully, society is kinder to men than women when it comes to ageing. All you need to do is look at Hollywood. Older men are still cast in great roles, but women are largely written off; it is also apparent in the discrepancy between the ages of love interests, male love interests can be well into their forties, but their female love interests do not tend to be over the age of thirty-five. That being said, more and more men are opting for Botox treatments to smooth their wrinkles and give them more of a youthful appearance.

Appearance & Professionalism

Being taken seriously in the workplace affects men as much as it does women, although there are, of course, differences. How you present yourself matters as much as what you bring to the table. As a man, looking capable is arguably far easier than it is for women. It does largely focus on how you dress, but there are other elements to consider. Looking tired and overworked can make you appear less capable, but under-eye filler or other skin treatments can help. Botox and fillers can also give you more of a youthful appearance too, which is important in a society that tends to discount older workers.

Hair & Self-Esteem

Male-patterned baldness is fairly common. Most men who experience thinning hair or a receding hairline suffer from lower self-esteem. A strong hairline is often seen as more youthful. Unfortunately, once you have started to thin, it is hard to stop the progression. You can try prescription medications, shampoos, or other methods to help to regrow your hair, but sometimes the hair loss will have progressed too far for them to be effective. On these occasions, a hair transplant could be called for, they are far more long-lasting, but they are also more invasive, and they have longer recovery times.

In Conclusion

Taking care of yourself and looking after your appearance is not an inherently feminine pursuit. A lot of men today are making more of an effort, and there are a number of treatments to consider, from fillers to Botox and even hair transplants. Do not be afraid to explore your options.

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