As some of you will be aware, I recently accepted an invitation to join the judging panel of this year’s Pitman Training SuperAchievers Awards. As one of the judges, I am now calling upon you to help make these awards a real success.

Having received loads and loads of nominations, shortlists have now been drawn up. With shortlists in place, the general public is being asked to vote for their favourites.
I’m calling up on you to take a moment to visit the SuperAchievers Awards website and cast some votes. All the votes will be taken into consideration and influence us judges as we make our final decisions.
These awards aim to recognise people who have achieved great things in their chosen field of work. It may be a mum or dad that has achieved great work / life balance (more about that in a moment, it’s a big issue!). it may be an entrepreneur who has set up a very successful business or a PA who is super-efficient.
Here is the list of categories:
- Inspirational Achiever of the Year
- PA of the Year
- Boss of the Year
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- Student of the Year (Nominated solely by Pitman Training Centres)
There are, however, two additional categories that are very close to my heart. Firstly, there is a Working Mum of the Year category.
As the title suggests, this quite rightly recognises the immense effort many mums put into running the household while also looking after kids and working. It’s a challenge a stay at home dad such as myself is only too familiar with.
In addition to this, Pitman Training has taken what I consider to be quite a brave step. It has introduced a Working Dad of the Year category and there are three marvellous finalists in there, vying for the title.
Click on the badge below to cast your votes.

Why is so brave? Well, we do hear a lot about women trying to “have it all.” I’ve long held the belief that men are increasingly facing the same issues.
Many guys work compressed hours or try to work from home so they can be more involved in family life. For many families it simply isn’t negotiable to have a stay at home parent as mum and dad must work for financial reasons.
When they do, dad faces many of the same challenges as mum. I think it is great to see this recognised, especially by an organisation that works so closely with employers.

That said, I once again ask that you take a moment to have a look through the finalists and cast your votes. By doing so you could make a huge difference to someone’s career and you will be helping us judges out.
Voting ends in just six days and winners will be announced in May. I wish all the finalists the very best of luck.