I love the school summer holidays. It provides a great way to try out new activities and experiences with the children. This year we spent a night under canvass for the first time. We also took a River Thames boat cruise, visited family in Scotland and had a fortnight in Portugal.

The constant go, go, go of the summer holidays has, I concede, left me feeling a little fatigued. This isn’t unexpected. My seven year has just started her fourth year of formal education so I’ve handled enough summer holidays to know things get very demanding towards the end!
If you’ll excuse the cliché, a knight in shining armour has presented itself in the form of Pharmaton Vitality Capsules. This is a health medicine designed to combat fatigue and increase mental alertness.
It is a blend of vitamins, mineral and the unique Ginseng G115. It’s clinically proven to help those of us leading demanding lives by relieving tiredness and restoring vitality.
I have been asked to undertake the Pharmaton 30 day Challenge, whereby I take Pharmaton Vitality Capsules for 30 Days and at the end of the challenge period, I will report back and tell you how I’ve got on. You can read more about the challenge here.
Let me say that I do make every attempt to live healthily (I also know there is room for improvement!). I do occasionally take supplements but they are not an alternative to a good diet and regular exercise.
I’ll write about my experiences of undertaking the Pharmaton 30 Day Challenge in a few weeks. In the meantime, wish me luck.
Pharmaton Vitality capsule is a licensed medicine for the relief of temporary periods of fatigue. Always read the label.
This post was produced in association with Pharmaton
3 thoughts on “Recharging my batteries with Pharmaton after the summer holidays #AD”
Ooh I hear ya after the summer holidays, we had a relaxing break at the end but I already feel stressed by the start of term again. Hope these capsules do the trick and look forward to seeing the results after 30 days! Cool pic btw!
Sounds interesting, look forward to seeing how you get on. Life can be hectic can’t it – can’t wait for L to go to school in a few years 🙂
Good luck – I ought to take a leaf out of your book!