For some reason North Americans seem to excel at producing changing bags designed for men. The DadGear Messenger is the latest US-made change bag to be made available in the UK and it doesn’t disappoint.
I’ve put our usual change bag into semi-retirement while I test this one out. Rest assured it has been given a thorough testing.
It has it accompanied me on a visit to an agricultural show with the whole family, a day at the beach with my two daughters plus a day trip to Paris, where I tested its qualities solely as a man bag.
The first thing that strikes you is its size. The bag measures 43cm x 30cm x 15cm. It isn’t at all unwieldy, but you could easily stuff Western Australia inside of this thing. It comfortably accommodated all the stuff I needed for a day in Paris, not to mention two bottles of wine.

The publicity bumph states this is a “flexible” bag. It has numerous pockets, a padded changing mat, can be worn over the shoulder or held by hand and also has integrated buggy clips. On this basis I give it a big tick when it comes to flexibility.
The bag also has an interesting feature on the front. It’s a holder and window for placing a pack of baby wipes. No more rooting through the bag to find wipes when you need them urgently; they’re right there to be grabbed in an instant.
I’ve got on very well with this item. I like it a lot. At £62.95 it is a touch pricy compared to rivals. I think you are paying a small premium for a very flexible item. The size of it is also an added bonus so you may consider this worth paying for.
The DadGear Messenger is available in the UK from Happybags.