
Summer OFFICIALLY begins

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It wouldn’t be summer without the obligatory ‘bee collecting pollen among meadow grass’ photo would it? It’s the kind of image I’ve taken many times in the past but there is some significance to this picture.

Bee collecting pollen from meadow grass
Not simply a photograph of a bee collecting pollen, but a symbol of a much needed relaxing few weeks.

Within walking distance of where we live is a small patch of land that has been given over to meadow grass. Over recent weeks the flowers have bloomed. I’d been meaning to get over there with my camera for some time as it looked like a photographer’s paradise.

It sounds pathetic, but even though this land is just a few minutes away, I simply hadn’t found the time. Lockdown was a quiet, relaxed time at first, but as we’ve neared the end of the school term I have been outrageously busy.

Thankfully, things have become a bit more manageable. My kids’ school broke up this week so homeschooling ended for Izzy and the face to face lessons Helen had been having as a Year Six pupil also came to an end. With that pressure having been relieved, it’s no coincidence that I managed to pay a visit to the meadow grass and snapped this colourful image.

If you had been there, you would have witnessed a comical scene. I had been running round the patch chasing the many butterflies that were fluttering around the flowers. Not onIy was I chasing them, but on more than one occasion I found myself talking to the butterflies, issuing them instructions as if they were models.

Oddly, they didn’t comply. The bees, however, did a better job of staying in one place long enough for me to get a picture. Instead of butterflies, I got this picture which I am satisfied with on the basis of the vibrant colours on display, plus the details on the bee.

After weeks of building up to the the start of the holidays, it feels great to have got to this point and to have time to appreciate something as simple as a patch of meadow grass. The aim now, after such a turbulent few months, is simply to have some fun with the children and relax. I’m also hoping for an as-normal-as-possible start to the 2020/21 academic year in September.

The start of the summer break was particularly significant for Helen. It finally marked the end of her primary education. For the second time this year she walked out of primary school with no intention of returning as a pupil.

The school did all it could to make it a celebration. A marquee had kindly been loaned from the organisers of a local beer festival and a socially distanced leaver’s assembly was held inside it, although parents could not attend and had to watch a recording (needless to say, the beer festival is a non-starter this year).

Equally impressively, the school had also commandeered an ice cream van and all the Year Six pupils were given an ice cream before the teachers led them out to a nearby park. Mums and dads had been secretly told to line the streets and clap and cheer as they passed.

The children saw out a couple of hours in the park with their primary school friends in glorious sunshine one final time. Yes there were some tears, but it was the best end to primary school they could possibly have had during this weird era in which we are living.

18 thoughts on “Summer OFFICIALLY begins”

  1. A poignant, sweetly sad ending to a strange school year, John, these restrictions and curtailments contrasting so starkly with freedom of the bees and butterflies in the meadow. Good to see you can relax somewhat and enjoy your family activities more

  2. That sounds like a lovely way to remember year 6, I very much doubt my children can remember the last day at Primary. I can remembering being at Primary, visiting secondary school, but not what we did or how. Glad you’ve now got some time to just relax with the girls over the summer holidays. Lovely capture of the bee and despite never meeting you, yes I can image you giving the butterflies instructions. Am guessing the neighbours are used to your behaviour by now lol #mysundayphoto

    1. Ummm,. yes my neighbours do see me behaving in eccentric ways from time to time! I clearly have a reputation that goes before me if you can image me speaking to the butterflies!

  3. That sounds lovely what the school did. I bet there were a few emotional children as they passed the array of clapping parents.

    It can’t have been easy for the children leaving for a second time knowing that they won’t be returning. How is Helen feeling about starting secondary school.

    1. Good question re Helen starting secondary school. She’s definitely keen on getting more independence. A bit nervous, but I’d be more worried if she wasn’t. The send off was the best they could have had and you’re absolutely right, there were some emotional kids.

    1. Yeah, difficult in the current climate for schools to do much for leavers but so glad the girls’ one did. Glad you liked the detail in the shot Darren.

  4. Ahh! I have taken so many photos of the bees over the last few weeks. I’ve never managed to get one of a butterfly, they just don’t stay still long enough.
    It sounds like Helen had a good end to primary school. It sounds like quite an emotional time. x

  5. Wow that is one amazing close up. So crisp and clear. I love it. Bees are fascinating. What a lovely way to remember the end of primary. It has been a hard year for those at the end or about to embark on a new challenge. xx

  6. I had to chuckle imagining you chasing butterflies round a meadow, at least you got a amazing photo of the bee, which is stunning.

  7. Wow what a fab close up! The detail on the wings is quite remarkable. The end of school must have been very strange in these times, sounds like the school made the most of it though. Hope you have an enjoyable start to the summer hols.

  8. I am glad you got to the meadow to take a photo. It has been a crazy old time and it’s not always been easy to get things we wanted to done. Beautiful pic too

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