
A close-up with A dash of colour

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With leaves falling from the trees and the skies having been grey for the past week, I felt the need to share this close-up image of a bee collecting pollen from a flower. I thought we could all do with a dash of colour.

dash of colour, bee, pollen, flower, close-up, close up photography, dadbloguk, uk dad blog, uk dad blogger
A close-up of a bee as it collects pollen. What really attracted me to this image was the bright colours.

You won’t be surprised to hear this is an image I took during the summer holidays. It was on a memory card and I simply hadn’t got around to doing anything with it.

I edited the picture with the intention of placing it on Instagram. The final, close-up image was so colourful and detailed I thought I’d share it on the blog too.

I’m very pleasantly surprised at the detail I managed to capture of the bee. I didn’t expect to get a shot that showed the hairs on it body or the pollen quite so clearly. I only did a tiny bit of editing to bring out the colours and I’m pleased with the results (if I can be forgiven for saying so!).

I hope I achieve my aim and that it brightens up your day! With more wind and rain on its way it’s certainly a reminder of the better weather we had over the summer months.

Post added to the #MySundaySnapshot linky hosted by the Rachel Swirl blog. Follow this link for more.

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