As you may be aware, a little over a week ago I broke the little toe of my left foot following a freak domestic incident. In less dramatic terms, I caught my left foot on the leg of the ironing board when I had nothing on my feet.
Okay, I concede this was not a particularly serious injury and it was not as painful as childbirth (as my wife rather sarcastically pointed out). Even so, recovering from this fracture has provided me with a valuable insight into family life.
How so? You may be wondering. As the list below shows, hobbling around the house (even with this most minor of injuries) while looking after a toddler and a schoolgirl gives you a different perspective on how the family runs.
Here are a few things I have learned;
1) I didn’t realise quite how frequently I get up and down during meal times to fetch bits and bobs for the kids. When it actually requires effort to get up out of your seat, you notice these things.
2) My eldest daughter is capable of taking herself to bed and does not need to be carried up the stairs every night. Okay, so I knew this already, but she’s so persuasive with her requests to be carried that I always give in. Over the past few days, however, I’ve had a convenient excuse to get out of it as I am still a bit unsteady on my feet
3) Grass, unfortunately, does not mow itself. As much as I’d like to mow the lawn, I just can’t lug the petrol lawnmower around to do it
4) Despite rumours to the contrary, people in London are capable of displaying decent, good manners. Last Saturday I fulfilled a promise to take my eldest to the British Museum. Knowing it wouldn’t be straightforward, I took a crutch. Every time I got on the Underground I was offered a seat. The same cannot be said for when Mrs Adams was pregnant. I clearly recall people staring right at her pregnant bulge and refusing to budge.
5) Toddler Adams is very heavy on her feet. I guess this is common among most toddlers. As she was yomping across the house I was, thankfully, able to hear her and move out the way before she got anywhere near me or my feet. Despite many near misses, she has, thus far, only trodden on my injured foot once. Yes, I did shout out loudly.
Those are a few of the observations I have made. I am now well and truly on the mend. I am still a bit bruised but I can now manage stairs two at a time, the way I’d normally climb them. I can also get into more than one pair of shoes. Things are going so well I suspect I’ll be getting the lawnmower out in the next few days. Wish me luck.
Image reproduced under Creative Commons agreement.
8 thoughts on “What a broken toe has taught me about family life”
I feel your pain – quite literally! Broke my toe on that jerk, the jumperoo, and went flying. 2 days of not being able to walk, severe bruising and tamping down my rage as my husband kept saying “I’m sure it hurts but..come on…it’s probably not broken.” Running around after baby was so much harder than I anticipated!
I’m not so bad now but I was in a lot of pain for the first few days. The bruising was enough to persuade my wife somehting serious had happened so she was quite sympathetic!
This is a great post. I broke my finger last week due to a freak accident so I can relate to your list. I agree with your point about how much you don’t realise how frequently you get up and down to do things for the children. Myself being one handed at the moment, I am definitely noticing how much work i do.
I imagine being one handed is more of a struggle than being one footed! Hope you make a speedy recovery.
Ha ha yomping! Not sure why but that made me chuckle. I was so surprised by Londoners when I first took Baby in her pushchair, I always get help carrying it up and down stairs and on and off trains. Glad the toe is on the mend. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x
My brothers says there’s more of a community in London than elsewhere. I sort of agree and disagree with him in equal measures! Thanks for hosting the linky.
Oh that last paragraph did make me laugh! I have broken the same toe though so I do feel for you it’s surprising what a little toe breaking can do to you!
You’re right, it is amazing what a broken toe can do to you. Pathetic really isn’t it??