Pictured here is an image of a curious penguin. It’s one that swam over to introduce itself to me when I visited ZSL London Zoo with my daughter Izzy.

I believe it is a Humboldt penguin because of the spots you can just see on its chest, something specific to this particular breed. I never expected to take an image with quite this much detail so I was very happy when I saw the result.
The picture was taken in burst mode through the glass of the penguin pool. I had to use this mode as lots of penguins were in the water and swimming over to me and into the frame so I had to be quick. If you want the hardcore details, here they are; focal length was 27mm, aperture f4, ISO 640 and shutter speed 1/400 sec.
The image was taken yesterday. I will be writing more about my trip to the zoo over the next few days as I was a the #GenerationGraco event, trying out a number of Graco’s baby and toddler products. As I say though, more about that in a few days!
I have linked the image up to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the Photalife blog. Click on the badge below to visit the linky and check out amazing photographs taken by other bloggers.

21 thoughts on “Close up of a penguin”
What a fantastic photo! There really is a lot of detail. He definitely looks like he’s popped over to say hello đŸ™‚
How amazing to be so close. He certainly seemed interested in you. It’s been years since we went to London Zoo. Maybe have to make another trip soon. I hope you all had fun. #MySundayPhoto
Hi John, I know nothing about penguins apart from the fact they are one of my favourite creatures. So awkward on land, yet graceful in the water. Your photo is fab! The detail is really good. I have a funny feeling that it may be kicking itself for forgetting its own camera… It was that close to getting a close up of a person!
I love the close up detail. I hope you had a great time at London Zoo
Thank you for linking up
Great shot and great to see you yesterday too!
That is a fabulous close up shot. Great to hear that you are making use of burst mode – I love looking to see what has been captured as a result. I particularly like the fact that you can see the fact that his head is just dipping under.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Getting that photo was a balance of walking close enough to create a good image with out scaring them off.
I didn’t realize how large a beak penguins have–nice shot.
PENGUIN!!!! I love penguin beach, there are so many penguins and it is fab to see them swimming under water. Great shot
Thanks, glad you love Penguin Beach. I hadn#t been before so this was a pleasant surprise.
Wow that’s a really impressive close up. I love penguins and was a bit disappointed when the ones on parade at Edinburgh zoo decided they’d rather just jump into the water đŸ™‚
Oh dear, shame you didn’t get a chance to take a close up…but you know where to go next time!
How wonderful that he was curious about you. Made a great shot
Thanks Carol, I am pleased with the outcome.
Oh amazing! Fantastic to get so close! #mysundayphoto
It came as a very pleasant surprise to get so close.
That is a fantastic picture, the detail you have caught is amazing. His beak is massive too. It sounds like you and Izzy had a great day out xx
We did indeed an a great day out. Glad you liked the picture.
I love Penguins, they are so characterful
They certainly are Fiona. I saw quite a few charatcers on this occasion, I can tell you!
What a great close up, he really does look like he’s eyeing you up!
That’s an amazing amount of detail, how wonderful that you managed to get such a clear close-up shot đŸ™‚