As 2015 has just got underway, it seems the correct time to reflect on this little old blog of mine and what I’ve done with it.
I had planned to write this post last November when my blog reached its second anniversary. I never got around to it because some kindly young scamps stripped the local telephone exchange of copper wire, thereby leaving me with no broadband for a short while. If it wasn’t for the free Wi-Fi at the local library and a nearby café, this blog would have disappeared altogether during that time. With the broadband repaired, we then ran into Christmas and, well, you know how it is, things get put on the back burner.
So here we are, Dadbloguk.com is just over two years old and it’s a very significant moment. This blog, you see, has grown and developed to a point where I’ve just had to pay a Corporation Tax bill on its behalf and I’m about to be hit with my own personal tax bill. In other words, I’ve unwittingly launched a new career and my blog is viable business, albeit a cottage industry. Before I get carried away, I’d better give you some background as it’s a story that goes back a little while.
I started blogging in late 2012. It was a hobby and at that point it drove my wife crazy. She couldn’t understand why I was spending so much time in front of the lap top. I may be wrong, but it strikes me that spousal disapporval is common among bloggers.
When I launched the blog, I’d been the main carer for my children for about 18 months. I was irritated by the lazy, latent sexism I regularly encountered. I seemed to be fighting a constant battle with a society that expected my wife to raise the children (she works full time). It was great subject matter to blog about and fatherhood issues remain at the core of what I do.
Even so, I slowly realised that blogging could be profitable and thought this hobby could also supplement my meagre income. As a former print journalist, I didn’t truly understand blogging and my approach was not very imaginative at first. I published some sponsored posts as this was the only way I could see of turning a profit.
Two years down the line and my approach is very different. I have diversified. I write for other blogs and undertake a range of associated activities working on behalf of other organisations, always fitting it round the children and their needs. Banner advertising and the occasional bit of sponsored content are just two ways blogging provides me an income (although I always make sure there’s more creative than paid-for content on the blog).
On the subject of diversification, now seems a very good time to tell you my first book is presently being typeset. It’ll be available shortly, so watch this space. In addition to this, a second blog is in development. Oh yes, 2015 is going to be an interesting year!
More than anything, however, writing this blog is fun. If I didn’t love blogging so much, I wouldn’t do it. There’s no denying it takes huge effort, often at strange times of the day and night as I juggle writing and family life.
While making a profit is fantastic, it’s only one of the things that inspires me to keep going. At the end of 2014 I was delighted to appear on InsideMAN mag’s list of writers to look out for in 2015. A few months previously I was contacted by the Cision media monitoring database and informed I was on its list of 10 most influential dad bloggers (ranking at number 4, should you be interested).
Blog posts like this, this and this, plus the response they get, also give me the drive to keep on writing.
There are two further reasons I wanted to write this post. If I were a mum, I’d probably qualify as a mumpreneur (a word I dislike for a variety of reasons). A lot of mum bloggers have turned blogging into a career. Although there are many dad bloggers out there, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of UK-based blogging fathers I know of who are doing the same. I simply wanted to demonstrate that us dads can do it too.
I also need to say a big thank you to all my readers plus the the people that have helped me over the past couple of years. When I started Dadbloguk I gave myself three months; if I wasn’t enjoying it by that point, I was going to take it off-line. Your interest, help and support persuaded me to keep going.
Writing a blog requires massive and constant effort. I’ve also got a very long list of improvements I’d like to make to this blog and I have to acknowledge that along the way I’ve made some cringe-worthy mistakes.
I’m also a bit confused as to what my status is these days. Am I a stay at home dad, work at home dad or a stay at home working dad? Perhaps I’m a blog at home dad? Then again, perhaps I shouldn’t label myself?
Regardless of such minor issues, blogging is just so much fun and I just don’t think I can stop. Oh, yeah, and Mrs Adams is a convert. These days she generally leaves me to blog in peace. Thanks for reading and if you’re blogger yourself, keep on writing.
Pic credit: Image sources from 4FreePhotos.com. Reproduced under Creative Commons agreement 3.0. For links to the various Creative Commons agreements, please see my disclosure page.
44 thoughts on “Dadbloguk; two (and a bit) years old and profitable”
Fab post. So glad the blog has opened doors for you (and your wife is converted!). I can relate to so much of your story, although financially all my blog has done for me is give me the confidence to give up a job that was making me unhappy and go it alone – which is both making money and making me happy. Like you, I love blogging and like you I had the spouse disapproval – the blog still isn’t entirely popular in our house, but it’s staying!
Ha ha, yes, spousal disapproval is a tough one. I was very fortunate to be invited to a reception at Downing Street a few months after I started blogging and this went a huge way to persuading my wife it was a worthwhile activity. ANyway, our stories are remarkably similar as I gave up part time work in 2014 and blogging and writing and now my sole sources of income. It’ll be alomg time until I can afford to buy that retirement condo in Miami, but it has turned into a succesful cottage industry.
Hi John,
Your Blog is a great source of inspiration for the rest of us. Blogging is a relatively new hobby of mine and reading that you’ve been able to earn from it is incredible! I don’t know how you managed it but I’d love to look into earning from the Blog.
Best of luck with your book and new Blog. I look forward to reading more of your work throughout this year.
Thanks Tom. I won’t lie, ot takes huge effort but I am hopelessly hooked now. I would never have described myself as a particularly creative person but I have created this blog and brand and I’m rolling with it. It’s just such great fun!
Good stuff mate – sounds like 2014 has been a great year but may be topped by 2015. All the best and thanks for helping to fly the UK dad blogger flag 🙂
Thanks Dave. 2014 has been a very demanding year and I suspect 2015 will be equally if not more so. Keeping htis blog thing going is very hard work but I am hoplessly hooked now. There is no going back.
A great inspirations for all parent bloggers.
Thanks for saying so Matthew. I hope it came across that way because my overall message is; us dad bloggers can acheive just as much as the superb mum bloggers.
Well done, mate. I am glad that the blog has worked out. I am very proud to be part of the cringe-worthy mistakes. 🙂
You were nothing of the sort Graeme. You were part of the early development team experimenting to make this blog a success. Although I concede that every time I write a style post I think of you and feel ever so slightly guilgty!
Living the dream 🙂
Very interested to read. There does seem to be a distinct lack of UK Dad bloggers (personally I co-write a blog with my good lady), so it is very nice to find (and bookmark) your blog.
Thanks Ashley. I think there are more dad bloggers than is generally realised, but we are few and far between compared to mum bloggers. I shall check out your blog. Thanks for commenting.
Well done John, I love my career as a blogger, I love how democratic the blogging playing field is and how fun and exciting being a blogger really is. I can’t wait to read your new blog and you know I’m excited about your book release! Here’s to a cracking 2015
Thanks Vicki. It would be a diservice if I didn’t admit you are one of the people that has inspired me in many ways. All the best for 2015.
That’s very kind of you to say, thanks John and I look forward to seeing your proper even more in 2015. You rock sir.
Fab post and so glad blogging has worked out so well for you. Sounds like 2015 will be an exciting year! 🙂
Thanks Louise. It’s certainly a very exciting time for the blog.
John, this post resonated with me on many levels. The unwanted delay of completing posts due to life. The cringe-worthy mistakes. The spousal disapproval (I may be facing divorce over my online activity). The beginnings of profit (sort of, not really). The antisocial hours. Yet despite all of this, blogging is undoubtedly fun, empowering, productive, compulsive and requires a heck of a lot of work and effort.
Regardless of your status (I’m terribly confused about mine), I think it is so vital to stay true to yourself and blog from the heart. I’m no expert, but I certainly write my best when I’m writing for me. I am trying to ditch labels and categories. Although I’m a mum, I feel that that fact is just incidental to my blog. I want to, and will write about topics that reach way beyond parenthood.
A great post. I’ve been enjoying reading your blog and am looking forward to continuing in 2015 (and beyond!).
I think a lot of us bloggers have very similar experiences. Glad you like the blog and thanks for sticking with me. All the best for 2015.
Fab post! And congrats on your two and a bit years. I enjoy blogging and writing so much. Sometimes my fingers itch to write a post. If that doesn’t make me sound too mad? My hub despairs. Esp of me making daft YouTube vids. Glad to see it’s turning into a business and can’t wait to hear more about the book! Here’s to an amazing 2015 x
Ah, yes, my wife does sometimes despair when I’m editing YouTube videos but I don’t make them that often! You don’t sound mad at all, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Thanks for your kind words.
Great job, John. Love working with you. Excited to see what 2015 has in store!
Really interesting post John. I love how a part time hobby has taken you into a full time blogging career, v excited to see your new site and book too, good luck! 🙂
Thanks for the good wishes. I never really planned this, it’s just sort-of happened!
Great post, which I am sure will serve as an inspiration to many other bloggers out there, whatever the gender! x
I’d be dleighted if this post inspired people. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
John, I’m fairly new to blogging and have only just discovered your blog today. Congrats on the success you have achieved with yours, certainly is an inspiration to me! Keep up to good work!
Thanks Dominic. Best of luck with your blogging.
Loved reading this post John! Sounds like things are going really well for you. I’m pleased your wife is a covert. My hubby blogs too so thankfully we don’t have to worry about that in our house. Looking forward to hearing more about your book and second blog. Very happy new year!
Happy new year to you too Renee and thanks for commenting.
Looking forward to hearing about/seeing your 2nd blog John. Also, good to read a bit of history about this one. 🙂
Thanks Carol. Glad you liked the history. It’s been a great couple of years.
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Arriving here a little late (as usual!), but belated congratulations on the blog’s second birthday and it’s great to know that other dad bloggers are able to succeed out there on a number of different fronts. Keep up the good work!
Very happy you’ve chosen to comment Tim, no problem with being late! I have every intention of carrying on.
Happy New Year and congrats on your success so far – you sound like one busy dad to me and if you’re looking for a status, I’d be thinking ‘Super Dad’ 🙂 In the interests of gender equality of course – we (quite rightly) throw around the term ‘Super Mum’ often enough.
I’m so pleased to have found your blog and looking forward to seeing how 2015 pans out for you and your family – it all sounds very exciting!
Mim 🙂
Thanks Mim. I don’t know about super dad….but at times I am certainly a very busy dad! Thanks for commenting.
As a new blogger I am always interested to read about the successes and achievements of established bloggers. Well-done!
As a sidenote, it is the first time that I’ve heard of ‘spousal disapproval’. I guess I should count myself lucky, as my husband is actually quite supportive of my writing.
Best wishes from Italy,
Gosh, you’ve managed to avoid spousal disapproval? You’re very lucky! Thanks for commenting and best of luck with your own blog.
Happy 2nd Blogiversary! Oh and congratulations on the inclusion to Cision’s top 10 dad bloggers.
Thanks Adam. Here’s to a lifetime of blogging!
Huge congrats again John. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts
Hi, love your blog! You inspired me to write and it has been very therapeutic for me. I recently started my own blog about my 8 months son. Would mean the world to me if you checked it out and share some feedback!
I’ll have a look Andy. Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment.