
Electric radiators: A great option for any home upgrade #Ad

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In my younger days, I spent quite a lot of time doing up houses. In fact, in the last house we lived in as a family, we brought down a wall and opened up the kitchen to make an open plan kitchen-diner. This involved updating the radiators because there was less wall space to mount them on.

Electric radiator.
Introducing the Ecostrad iQ Ceramic

This wasn’t the first time I’d had to replace radiators and I always find myself entranced by the many different radiator designs that are available! Seriously, I really do. There are some very elaborate designs and there is something for every style of home and wall space.

Tech has improved, so have radiators

As tech has improved, so have radiators. No longer do you simply have to rely on radiators plumbed-in to your central heating system or those enormous, heavy night-storage heaters. You can get great electric radiators and one impressive option is the Ecostrad iQ Ceramic.

Ecostrad iQ Ceramic
The Ecostrad iQ Ceramic offers cost savings, is easy to install and is stylish.

Why am I so interested in this product? My mother has just moved into a new house and some of the radiators need replacing. A product like this offers long-term savings because of the way it works and it also gives you much greater control than a radiator that relies on a wall-mounted thermostat to switch it on or off.

What you need to know about the Ecostrad iQ Ceramic

The Ecostrad iQ Ceramic is an electric radiator. It features ceramic plates that quickly warm up and then slowly release heat into the room, long after it has powered down.

Around 50% of the heat it emits is radiant heat, meaning it heats surfaces, objects or people. This way the heat stays in the room. The remainder of the heat, known as convection heat, heats the air.

A standard radiator, meanwhile, emits about two-thirds of its heat as convection heat. They aren’t as efficient so offer less in the way of long-term savings.

Ecostrad iQ Ceramic
App controlled, motion sensor controlled or controlled via touchscreen.

It’s the efficiency and long-term savings that appeal to me about this kind of product. It makes them ideal for any family home or for someone like my mum who has to watch her outgoings.

There’s also the tech! The Ecostrad iQ Ceramic is controlled via an app so you can adjust the temperature or adjust how long it stays on from your phone or wireless device. It can also be paired with Alexa or Google Home and, get this, it has a motion sensor so can be set-up to turn on and off only when it senses movement in a room. Then again, if you prefer manual controls, it has a touchscreen display mounted on the top.

Being electric, the Ecostrad is easier to install than a radiator that requires plumbing. If you take a look at the images in this post, I’m sure you will also agree it has a sleek, modern design.

Definitely an option to consider

I have been discussing options with my mother. The Ecostrad iQ Cermaic is one of them. The ease of instillation and long-term cost savings really appeal to me and I think they’d be perfect for my mother. If we were to look at installing any radiators in our own home, I’d certainly consider the Ecostrad not just for thos reasons, but also because its design means it blends into the background.

You can find out more about the Ecostrad iQ Ceramic online by following this link.

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